
What are some tips to stay in control when driving in rough weather?

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What are some tips to stay in control when driving in rough weather?




  1. stop aggression slow down and back off

  2. try not to drive wene theres bad weather

  3. Drive slow and be alert!

    But, if possible do not drive during bad weather conditions.

  4. Have all weather tires, chains ready and available, don't panic, be alert, driver slower than normal, have headlights on.

  5. stay sober and drive slowly

    don't follow as closely as usual

  6. First thing's first. If there's a potential for bad weather, make sure you have plenty of gas and tires with at least a decent amount of tread.  Windshield wipers that are in good shape are also very important.

    Next, if you have the option try to drive a front wheel drive car over a rear wheel drive car. When it comes to traction in weather like snow and ice, go with this:  4WD > FWD > RWD. Also, take the car's weight into consideration.  If you have a small front wheel drive car, driving uphill in snow (especially with anything in the trunk) may lead to decreased traction.  Heavier cars are best for snow and ice.

    Now when on the road, try to maintain a constant RPM when accelerating. Don't gun it right off the bat. Keep both hands on the wheel and maintain focus.  When it comes to turns, slow down and do not accelerate until you feel the car grab the road. Othewise you may "fish tail" and over-shoot the turn.

  7. Be alert, slow down a bit and DON'T use cruise control.  Using cruise control on wet slippery roads is a disaster waiting to happen.

  8. there are various answers that may appear incorrect, yet are ok when part of the large scenario of how to keep control of a vehicle at all times, rough weather could refer to wind, rain, snow, or very hot weather over a long distance, for either,

    ~ its good to have good condition tires with great amount of tread above the tread wear line, all season or winter,

    ~ check that brakes, pads, and fluids are ok and working properly, also vacuum hoses and their connections,

    ~ in hot weather, make sure your oil and coolant system fluids are full, and working well at all times,

    ~in rain and snow weather, verify that wipes, washer fluid and defrosting system are in working order,

    ~ have safety tools and emergency equipment on hand, and know where they are, tire jacks are found in engine areas, under seats, in trunks, and on side panels, have items like first aid, blanket, flashlight, gloves, hand warmers, sand or salt, shovel, cell phone or other device, if not for your self then others, have a vehicle manual in glove compartment if possible,

    ~ as for personal skills, each to ones own, check the weather before heading out, adjust to the environment and go with the flow of traffic, if there is an accident already on route, find alternative path, or be patient alike all others in line waiting, if your not sure how traffic will be , maybe get a coffee and snack for trip, and set radio for news and anti-snooze mode,

    and drive safe, take care,☺


  9. Don't put on your cruise control!

    brake slow

    Don't go fast

    And don't have road rage!

  10. All above tips are good... but, if possible, do not drive....

  11. you are too dumb to drive for asking such a question... Simply dont drive

  12. pay attention, drive slow-better yet stay at home.

  13. >   Drive slower than the speed limit.

    >   Make sure your automobile is in perfect condition .. like brakes, wind-shield wipers, heater, tires, etc ... with plenty of gasoline at all times

    > Do not use cruise-control.  Drive slowly .. no sharp turns .. and if you run off of the road - do not jerk the steering while abruptly .. take your foot off of the accelerator .. drive back onto the road gently

    > Do not drive close to other vehicles .. give each other plenty of room .. do not slam on the brakes suddely (you could go into a spin)

    >  Do not hurry .. you want to get to your destination safely .. so drive with extreme caution in rough weather

    >  Scan the road ahead of you looking for pot holes, pedistrians, water, ice, etc

    >  Keep both hands on the wheel ..

    >  If you can - stop frequently to take a rest .. in order to keep yourself alert

    >  Keep distances from vehicles pulling trailers, big trucks, etc

    >  Be on the look for red lights, and other drivers .. and know that other drivers may not always be able to stop.

    >  Let others know your location

    >  If possible, never drive when you are wiery .. or tired

    >  Be prepared with extra supplies in your car .. and with an Emergency kit

  14. Make sure you have good tires!! Tires are VERY important!! Drive slow. Your brakes arent going to work as great so if you have to stop for a light or something make sure you do it sooner than you usually would!! And most important...PRAY!! God will watch over you!! God Bless!!

  15. 1-Drive slow

    2-Keep safe distance (7-10 seconds)

    3-When you turn or you want to stop shift down- before you push the brakes.

    4-Make sure you fill up the gas tank.

    5-Decrease 1PSI  the tires (for snow-make better contact with the road)

    6-keep some food, flash light, and some exta clothes and a cellphone with full battery in the car.

    Be sure your car is ready for the winter-

  16. if possible ask your city or town for permission to use a parking lot so you can see how your car reactes on ice  or snow!

    it's not legal in most places to do donuts but if you remember the golden rule practice practice practice!

    not every slide is going to be the same and if you practice in a safe enviroment  to get to  know your car then you will be more acceptable to get out of an accident!

    however most people then would drive like a nut case thinking they know the road but if know how your car is going to react and what got it to that point you know your limits!

    and how to avoid a slide!

  17. Have your lights turned on. have your wind screen wipers on if neccessary, drive at least 10km/h below the speed limit, keep on the look out at all times, if you have yo stay in the left lane.

  18. Slow down and leave plenty of distance between you and the car in front of you.

  19. dont SLAM on the brakes when your in a skid that usually makes things worse, sometimes punching the gas is the answer. Take your car to an empty snowy parking lot and purposly skid and steer out of control to get a feel of the reaction of your car and try different techniqs of reaction, this will help alot,  it takes the element of supprise away a little, you wont panic so much when an emergency situation.

    Get a 4x4 !!! that helps

  20. Drive slow and carefully. Be a defensive driver and watch the road as well as what is going on around you.

  21. i find that it is best to keep a slow, steady pace, don't do anything too fast, but don't come to a standstill either.  be cautious, aware of others (a bigger problem than the weather a lot of the time!), don't go out at all if you don't have to, make sure your vehicle is up to date on its maintenance and prepared for the winter (good all weather tires).

  22. drive slow stay alert stay alive.

  23. check the tread on your tires.  if you can't tell if the tread is low just ask a guy that sells tires to take a look for you.

  24. most accidents occur in bad weather from people driving too fast.  slow down.  keep your hands at 10 and 2 and stay alert

  25. Drive within the conditions

  26. Drive slow, be alert, and most of all remember that just because you have a four-wheel drive it does not mean you can drive like an idiot.

    Remember to increase the distance between your call and others.  Do not slam on the brakes if you are sliding, rather let off the gas shift into neutral if possible and try to steer carefully w no jerky motions (which is easier said than done sometimes).  Just try not to lose your head if you are sliding.

  27. first u need to make sure that your car has a check up like thebrakes and engine and stuff so that nothing will happen while your on the road. If people are in a real rush let them pass so u won't get in any accidents tryin to get anywhere. and last but not least stick to the road speed limit and drive slow when raining snowing and sleet.

  28. Use snow tires.

  29. Drive slow, be alert, and keep more distance than you normally would keep between you and the car in front of you. That way when the car in front of you puts on there breaks, you have enough breaking time. Also, leave for work/school/appointments,etc. earlier so you're not rushing and have an accident.

  30. The best tip for driving in rough weather is to be alert and cautious. Do not drive to fast or too slow for conditions. And if your car gets out of control, resist the urge to slam on your brakes as this can make things worse (on both ice and standing water) but rather let off the gas and brake and steer into the spin. Of course, if you can avoid driving in bad weather altogether that is preferable.

  31. The best advice I can give is to simply use common sense. If this isn't your first winter driving then you probably know how bad the roads can get. If it is the first winter, I would find a well seasoned adult and ask for a driving lesson in a deserted parking lot. They can show you how to maneuver your car.

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