
What are some titles for female rulers?

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such as queen, empress, ??? others?





  1. there are a few obviously queen, empress but also you have got tsarina,grand duchess, crown princess,marchioness,baroness,marquise,b... and just duchess and i thnk that is about it i cant remember any more

  2. Tsarina (czarina)


    Duchess/Grand Duchess


    Reine (Fr for Queen)



    (last 2 are nobles, but they might rule estates)

  3. Czarina, Sultana...

  4. In Europe, the following titles were ruling titles for women:

    Empress (example: Catherine the Great)

    Queen (example: Queen Victoria)

    Archduchess (example: Maria Theresa of Austria)

    Grand Duchess (example: Charlotte of Luxembourg)

    Duchess (example: Mary of Burgundy)

    Princess (example: Louise-Hippolyte of Monaco)

    Countess (various Germanic co-countesses in the 17th and 18th centuries)

    Lady (heiresses to various lordships, etc)

    Off the top of my head, there are also margravines, landgravines, altgravines, rhinegravines, wildgravines, raugravines, baronesses, grand princesses, etc, but I can't recall of any in their own right. Also, tsarina is a title equivalent to "queen", it did not directly mean "empress" in Russia, for instance, where the title was "Tsarina *and* Empress" (queen and empress).

    Jamie B, marquise and marchioness mean the same thing... t was only ever "margravine" as a reigning form. Crown princess was never a ruling title, that is the title of an heiress to a royal throne or of the wife of a crown prince.

  5. Sultana - used for a few Muslim women rulers in history, who claimed almost full sovereignty over a kingdom, in other words the lack of dependence on any higher ruler.

    Empress - used for a few Chinese, Japanese, Korean women rulers in history who was the sovereign ruler of an empire or another type of imperial realm.

    Candace - was the title for female rulers of the ancient African empire of Kush. Kush is also known in classical Greek and Roman texts as Ethiopia.

    Tsaritsa/Tsarina/Czarina - was the title of a female autocratic monarch, which is political power is held by a single self-appointed ruler of Bulgaria or Russia.

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