
What are some topics for a short story titled "ANY THING" ?

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I am wanting to title my short story "ANYTHING". I have some idea of what i want to do, but i need some other ideas. I promise, i will not completely copy it, but take it, and make it mine! thank you so much!




  1. anything!  Take something you see, a conversation you overhear or have, and elaborate on it.  A good thing to do is go into a public place (sidewalk cafes in big cities work best, but anywhere will do), and peoplewatch.  Listen to snippets of their conversations (but never all of it, because it tends to get boring and not as interesting as you could otherwise imagine), think about what they're wearing and what that might mean they're like (i.e. pink hair might be a more edgy person).  Then write about someone who catches your eye.

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