
What are some transportation rides in Roller Coaster Tycoon ?

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The easiest one to build ? Is there any that you don't have to build the rail track ? Is there anything such as bycicle maybe ???




  1. To be honest with you, most any ride can be used as transport. Just build more than one station and put exits and entrances at each one you build. It works the same was with a coaster as it would with a train.

    Every one you need to build a track, only exception that you will find is a boat hire with only one station, I don't think that you can make it a transporter.

    There might be a cheat of some sort for a 'Bike' but that requires downloading extra stuff off the Internet, and right now  with RCT's age its slim to none that you'll find anything

  2. railroads, are kinda easier to build.  There is monorail, which is pretty cool.  there's another, I can't think of it, there's just alot.

    depending on which RCT you are playing

  3. The transportation rides include the train, monorail (two styles, one under the track, one above the track), and the ski lift (or sky ride).  

    The easiest one to build is probably the train or sky ride, although they're all easy to build.

  4. There are: Monorails, ski lifts, and some other.

    you can build any sort of transportation rides by using any sort of track ride. (roller coasters, log ride, etc.)

    Hope this helps


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