
What are some tricks I can use to make teaching myself to play guitar easier?

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Any tips would be helpful. I'm playing on an acoustic with steel strings...




  1. Go to and look up tabs to songs you already know and practice them. If you don't know what tabs are, google "How to read guitar tabs." After you get swifter with your fingers then you can practice making your own material.

  2. I'm not sure how far along you are, but you should get a Pocket Guitar Chord Dictionary. It's really helpful! Make sure you have the basic major chords down. ABCDEFG. You can start to learn your minors too, but some can be tricky as far as finger placement or the fact that they are bar chords. Once you do, start the transitions: moving from one chord to the next, trying to make the move as quick and smooth as you can.

    After the basic chords and moves, you can work on the different variations of the chords (different ways to play them). Then you can learn the extensions of the chords (suspensions, sevenths, ninths, etc.)

    Right from the start, though, try and practice your bar chords. It will be hard, because it takes power to hold down all the strings with one finger, but once you get them, it's like nothing!

    My uncle always told me that for every chord you learn, try and learn to play it two different ways. A chord dictionary definitely comes in handy for that.

    If you wanted, you could take the time to learn musical theory, which helps a lot, but not every guitarist knows it. Even just basic musical theory is good to know, but again, not necessary.

    Rhythm! I know you'll be focusing a LOT on your left hand (assuming you are right-handed) but please, don't forget about your right hand! Or, the one that holds the pick, rather. Your rhythm is incredibly important too!

    As far as rhythm goes, unless it comes naturally, it's something you'll need to work on and polish. For teaching yourself, I suppose you could listen to different rhythms in songs you like and try them out, starting with just one chord, just to get the feel of it.

    I hope I haven't left anything terribly important out! Anyway, it sounds like a lot of work, but if you're dedicated, you won't care! Guitar is such an awesome instrument to play, it's so much fun! Trust me, you'll feel SO great when you learn your first song!

    Good luck, and keep at it!!!!

  3. please check these links.It really helped me.


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