
What are some true ways to clear THC out of you?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not trying to have some stupid "quick way" to get it out.

I'm trying to be job, and I'm quite the casual smoker. I know exercise will loosen up the fat cells and get some out of your system.

Some people say to drink plenty of water all the time to flush it out, but I have also heard not too do that.

What are some things to avoid, that could possibly hold the THC in your system?




  1. one, you shouldnt be smoking weed because it is a lot worse than regular tobacco.

    two, it has already damaged your lungs and heart.

    three, hopefully you wont get cancer

  2. There is no way to speed up the process of getting rid of THC.  It just takes time.  Stop doing it and you wont have to worry about it!

  3. try GNC store for some herbal remedies. or drink a lot of cranberry juice, vinegar (easier when it is pickle juice) and a gallon of water the day before your test to flush out your system.

  4. Drink plenty of seltzer pee frequently take water pills and stop smoking anything for this period

  5. Perhaps liquid chlorophyll might help.

    A web search for "marijuana detox" might perhaps be of interest.

  6. There are system purification tablets that you can get from supplement stores like GNC. One example is strip it works but it is a little expensive at a price around 70-75 bucks.

  7. THC is stored in your fat cells. Drink lots of water, jog around, and if you can afford it, you can buy a drink/pills that will clean out your system. If there is a local headshop around you, they probably sell them.

    I would like to add that I also use cannabis and I am in nursing school. That is why they make "The Stuff" and "Colt 420" =]

  8. Avoid fatty foods, and drink plenty of fluids.  Try to not smoke for 30 days before a test.  If you have a test that closer than a month away, you might want to get some Vale's.  You can get this at your local head shop.  They have a twice your money back guarantee (fail the test get double your money back)..  I have known several heavy and everyday smokers who have used this successfully.

  9. Time is the only certain method, your kidneys and liver will, given time, clear anything like that, but it takes time.  You simply have to decide, which is more important to you, having a stable job, or having your occasional illicit drugs, both will not work.  Not anymore, because of random drug testing, using illicit drugs is just plain stupid if you wish to maintain a stable job.

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