
What are some typical jobs in Peru?

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What are some typical jobs in Peru?




  1. Peru has a diverse economy by Latin American standards.

    While the modus operandi may be different than in Europe or the USA, there is plenty of opportunity for entrepreneurism in Peru.

    The other best jobs in Peru are related to the resourse-extraction industry, which is dominated by foreign companies.  Mining is huge in Peru, and there is a large number of both skilled and unskilled workers, earning very decent wages.  In addition, people working for multinational companies such as Proctor & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, and Nestle can earn a good living in Peru.  The wages for jobs that are traditionally high-paying in the USA (doctor, civil engineer) are not so high in Peru, but are still solidy middle class.

    There is also a large socialized medical industry, educational system, and government beauracracy (including the state-owned PetroPeru oil company), which all provide middle-income jobs.  

    Turism is a significant industry in Peru and also offers many employment opportunities, from guide to hotel maid to chofer.

    Peru has a significant agricultural and fishing industry as well, and many people have jobs in those fields.

    While it is illegal and parallel to the legitimate economy, the drug trade's role in the Peruvian economy should not be forgotten as it indeed does pump significant amouts of currency into the mainstream.   Peru is a leading producer of coca leaf and processor of cocaine, for export to the USA and Europe.

  2. Just like any other part of the world that totally depends on what people have studied. If you went to university and got a degree, most likely you'll seek a job related to your degree.

    If you didn't study anything, you'll just have to find any job (unless some relative owns a company and is willing to give you some job)

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