
What are some unique or weird nicknames that you have?

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  1. my full name is Patricia Ann

    and since i was named after my aunt, everyone on my moms side calls me Patty Annie or any spelling variation they can think of.  Pattie Anne is the most popular :).  

    my sister Kathryn Lousie goes by Kit and my dad calls her Boo Boo Bear

  2. Alton




  3. Creci

  4. n**i (When you text my name, that's what it comes up as)

    Mapi (My friend's once heard my cousin attempt to say my name)

    Pokey (I walk at amazingly slow speeds)

    Po (Short for Pokey)

    Toby (What my little brother calls me)

  5. Bre or Bre Bre


  6. Chi-Chi, the Big X, Q-bonez, and, on occasion, I've been known to answer to Snake #66.

  7. My nickname is Ducqui, pronounced Ducky or Rubber Ducqui because I was a swimmer in high school and did breaststroke. My friends said I looked like a duck when my head popped up.

  8. My nickname has always been Pee Wee Winkers (or just pee wee, or winkers). My daughters nn is Bookah!

  9. Meatball



    my name is melissa. haha

  10. beetle I odnt know why but my dad called me that when i was a baby now everyone calls me that its kinda nice since my dad is now deceased

  11. my dad called me Mimmi

    at school i got:




    then later I got



    Xarope (means syrup)

  12. MOMO  

  13. Hmmm well the weirdest ones that I have are Bullet (cuz I run track) and The Eminator (my name is Emily). My friend Chelsea is called Muffin by her parents, which is shortened to Muff (funny!). Her brother Eric used to be called Pooh Bear, which eventually just got shortened down - yup, to Poo.  

  14. Theo. I'm a girl, so I suppose it's a bit unusual. It came from my maiden name (Theophilus), when I was younger, since I was rather a tomboy and didn't care much for my first name. It stuck and most people don't realise that it isn't my first name any more.

  15. shortie - physical (5'2"in a 5'5" world)

    smiley - personality

  16. peanut toes, foot fetish, the wrong di hoa, comfort...

  17. My mom and aunt occassionally call me Muffy.  It started because my grandpa called me Little Miss Muffet and or course got shortened to Muffy.  My uncle calls me Spacey Tracey.  My brothers call me Moo due to my love of cows.  And my kids call me Mama, but I guess that's not unique nor weird, but it's probably my favorite.

  18. i think janessa and jaydon r really random and cute names.

  19. My name is Kayla and some of the nicknames that I have are Kayla Bayla, Gayla(Meaning that I am g*y) and Kay which is the only normal one lol.

  20. My parents called me "Porschkin Porpinski" until someone asked my mom 'why?', then she quit calling me that!

    My dog has a unique name that people always comment on...  "Nevans" is his name!!! We got it from the 'Cat in the Hat' movie!

    My husband calls me "muffin" I think its weird!

    We call my sisters little one "Brookies Cookies" for 'Brooke'

    We all my little bro Antnee Chickeeno for 'Anthony'

    His turtles are named Tumoltous and Tunder- or something close to it.  He came up with that!

    We used to always say to my sister Hilary "Whats up Hil?" when we walked by...took her a while... :)

    HaHa, good question that was fun to answer!

  21. my name is kristi and i have been called kriso, kiki, kristopher, kristinia, krissy lee, kiki baloo. all my neices and nephews call me kiki, lol! the keekster, lol!!! my godson calls me mimi. lol

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