
What are some unique types of coffee found in Madrid, Spain? -- ¿Qué tipos de café son solamente de Madrid?

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I am studying abroad in Madrid, Spain and I was asked (for a homework assignment) to come up with a few types of coffee that are unique or well known in Madrid, Spain. I however do not drink coffee... therefore I haven't a clue!

Thank you for your responses!

Mi nivel de español no está perfecto, entonces... lo siento si este es muy malo. Necesito a hablar sobre café de Madrid en una clase de mio. El problema es, no me gusta café mucho. Entonces, no sé que tipos de café son especial a Madrid.

¡Gracias por sus respuestas!




  1. Hi, in Madrid they drink the same coffee brands basically than the rest of Spain. The most popular brands are Marcilla, Nestle, etc. However generally the best Cafés or coffe establishments or places where people gather to drink coffee and chat make their own coffees by mixing their own secret proportions of standard very fine ground coffee: They genrally mix 50 % naturally roast3ed beans and 50% Torrefacto or beans roasted with sugar cane. Thezse proportion is the minimum generall best, stronger coffes are more like 40/ 60 or 30/ 70 evern 25/ 75... some add also chicory a coofee substitute used during war times that has a nice taste and since people got accustomed to it that is why some might add it for flavour not as "cut".

    Cafés are typical of Madrid and there are Cafçes like Cafe Gijon, where intellectuals used to meat, Cafe de Chinitas where flamenco artist,dancers, bullfighters and intellectuals mingled. And many others more. But basically all good cofee `places buy their own roasted beans, natural or torrefacto and grind ythem and mix them themselves in proportions which they seldomly tell since many cafés (establisments) are famous just for their coffee like today laq Mallorquina in the puerta del sol or other Madrid sites. Was born and breed there for 20 years and usually I return every summer to see family and friend and I have enjoyed Madrid´s coffees and Cafés all my life.

    Hope it helped


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