
What are some vampire Cliches?

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What are some vampire clishes? I am planning on writing a vampire duology for FictionPress.Com. I don't want my duology to be overly cliched.




  1. um.. bats, darkness, sleeping during day, stake through the heart to kill them, the colors black and red, and um paleness.  

  2. you can do the classic vampire ideas like:

    -sleep in coffins

    -light burning them

    -hate onions

    -bats (turning into bat form)


    -h**l ridden


    -blood craving

    -stake threw the heart can kill them

    -hate crosses

    or you can look at small little ideas that have a twist like:

    -they are like normal people, but the only differences are that they have fangs and drink blood

    -that vampire childern can't be born


    -hypnotize power

  3. that they can't go out in sun (for whatever reason it may be), the super strength, the fangs, they're extraordinarily gorgeous, everything about them lures humans to them, all they think about is blood, they are sociopaths. Also another one is that they prey on young, innocent women and only them. Hope this helps, good luck with your book.  

  4. 1) They're immortal, or undead (which, may or may not be considered cliche, depending).

    2) They're afraid of garlic and crucifixes.

    3) They can't step onto sacred or holy ground.

    4) They can be killed by a stake through the heart - and some claim silver bullets (although, I've heard thats mostly for werewolves and such).

    5) They can't go out in the sunlight.

    6) They have no reflection in a mirror.

    7) Blood is where they get they're sustenance.

    8) They like to take advantage of helpless, innocent - and virginal - maidens to get that sustenance (i.e, Dracula).

    9) They can turn into bats at will.

    10) They sleep in coffins.

    11) They're preternaturally strong and fast, and may have other talents (like mind-reading, etc).

    12) They're unbelievably attractive.

    13) They're charismatic (i.e, Lestat).

    14) They are burned by holy water.

    15) They all have long, beautiful hair (especially the males).

    16) They all have Eastern-European accents - or, at least some form of a foreign accent.

    17) They're wealthy (Dracula had a castle, The Cullens had a Porsche 911 Turbo...)

    18) Then there's the whole fang thing.

    Those are the majority of vampire stereotypes that I can think of. As for "psychic" vampires, I really don't think that the mainstream media concerning vampires digs much deeper into the psychic realm than simple telepathy.

    Hope that helps.

  5. No reflection in mirror, turn into smoke, immortal, fangs. You should read Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons.  

  6. 1. Traditional deterrents (garlic, crosses)

    2. Vampires with generic foreign accents

    3. A tie

    --Vampire males with long, flowing hair

    --Vampire detectives/crime fighters

    4. A tie

    --Aristocratic vampires

    --Goth girls in love with vampires

    5. Vampires who live in manors

    6. Other

    7. Impossibly beautiful vampires

  7. sleeping in coffins sunlight burns bats pale live in romania drink blood steak through heart kills....

  8. 1. Gorgeous

    2. I'm not sure about this one, but do all vampires have to have fangs?

    3. Socially elite (sometimes).

    4. Animalistic desire for blood.

    5. Dark hair

    6. Anything associated with bats.

    Hope I helped! The people before me got all the good ones, so mine isn't going to sound very different from theirs.


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