
What are some violations of our rights?

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In the past 7 years what are some direct violations of our rights as united states citizens?

ex: During World War II, Japanese Americans were forced to move to internment camps and were stripped their rights to be different and the freedom of religion




  1. Bush has deprived us of our right to know what he's up to.  He works for us, but he is the most secretive (and dishonest) president in at least a century.  This is -our- country and our government is supposed to work out in the open.

    We also have a right to privacy, for our mail not to be read, our phones not to be tapped, our homes not to be searched except with a warrant issued on probable cause.  The Bush administration has completely ignored this right, and began doing so before 9/11.

    People who are accused of a crime have rights.  A right to defend themselves, to get a lawyer, to hear the charges against them, and a right  to a speedy public trial.  Since 9/11 our government has simply arrested people off the street and whisked them away indefinitely with no charges against them, no access to the judicial system, no right to defend themselves, and not even the most basic ancient traditional right of habeas corpus.

    I think we have a right to truth in media.  A democracy (or, if you wish, republic) depends on the peoples' ability to rule themselves, and to do this the people must be informed, not indoctrinated.  Our media have deteriorated into propaganda organs.

    We have a right to have our government follow the constitution.  President Bush violates our rights when he signs bills into law and then issues a 'signing statement' declaring himself immune to this law.  He has done this more than 1500 times.

  2. One of the first things that come to my mind is eminent domain abuses.                                                                 This is an old one but is still occurring , violation of the rights of American Indians here is one example                                                                                                the most obvious our freedom of speech                  Here are some more    Edit Another issue is g*y rights.

  3. This is going to be a matter of opinion.

    A better question would be - under what specific circumstances has any US person been deprived of their rights?  

    This will move the discussion into facts and away from political opinions.

  4. all Americans killed on 911 right to life

  5. The War on Drugs is the first thing that comes to mind.

    The passage of Patriot Acts I and II.

    No member of the house or congress was allowed to read the first Patriot Act and yet they passed it anyway!

    The same night that Saddam was captured, while everyone was distracted, Bush signs into law the Patriot Act II.

    Among other things it states that government agents must be given immunity for carrying out searches with no prior court approval. This section throws out the entire Fourth Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures.

    Our freedoms are a joke. Anyone can be hauled off to Guantanamo or anywhere at any time. You have no right to legal council or to contact your family. They don't even have to charge you with anything.

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