
What are some volunteer opportunities?

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I am looking for some volunteer opportunities for my mom. I've already found some opportunities at a hospital and at the library. Does anyone have any other ideas? Note that she will not want to volunteer at a place such as an animal shelter. She's a little uptight about that kind of volunteering.




  1. well : I also know about "Community Service just an Volunteers

    Organization Answers Society & Culture  has Volunteersmatch .org

    yes very important thing that Jobscareers helps each 1 community

    also United Way ,UNICEF supports College Education plus

    these Sponsors build & support non -profits  

  2. It's a bit different - but has she thought of the Fire & Rescue service - if there's a volunteer branch where you are?

    Most stations at least have SOME volunteers - only really metropolitan ones are fully paid.

    I realise there's a really likely chance she won't want to actually fight fires, do rescues, etc, which is perfectly fair - (although if she wanted to, the option is there!) but - my main point here will be, there are a lot of "non-operational" roles in the service, such as doing book keeping and administration, public safety courses, training, communications, social clubs, catering, even things like counselling and support roles.

    So there's a different idea - and a different way of looking at the service, as many people think "oh, I don't want to be in the Fire service as I'll have to be a firefighter!"  

  3. Has she ever thought about volunteering as:

    a Girl Scout Leader

    at the YMCA/YWCA

    a 4-Club Leader

    a Big Brother/Big Sister sponsor

    a sitter with the elderly

    a Camp Fire Girl Leader

    a daycare center

    a piano teacher

    at the American Red Cross


  4. try They are active in most States and offer a wide variety of opportunities. I volunteered with Hands on Atlanta two years ago... Great experience....

  5. she can volunteer at many places....i know this place its a homeless shelter and i heard they need volunteers..

    Good Luck!! ...she is doing a right thing!!

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