
What are some water conservation efforts?

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What are some water conservation efforts?




  1. For those who don't get out of the house to work then using Pampers wipes or handy wipes is a good idea instead of spending over 20 gallons of water for a shower and even more for a tub bath.  Now if that is multiplied by several days a week (if in cold climate) or a few days in warmer climates that would save a lot of water if everyone did that.  A lot of seniors do that already because they can't get the helper to bathe them daily.  Let the rain wash your car or don't wash it at all.

    Of course there is always using laundry water on your yard, and starting up other desalination plants, and doing dishes by hand instead of in the dishwasher, or washing dishes less often, or soaking dishes prior to washing them, or changing the washing process to a shorter time.  I remember many years ago when I was a beautician we would scrub the scalp three times then a rinse, but when I moved here 23 years ago they cut the washing of hair down to one scrub plus a rinse so that saved some water by this group of professionals.  I know that some people water their lawns less but I wonder if then that doesn't dry things out to where fires catch quicker.  Some states have water brought to them in containers because their area is out of water.  And, some people have stopped flushing frequently. People used to save rain water but now it doesn't rain in some places.  I would suggest that troughs for animals be set indoors and away from the sun, and maybe even animals to be fed during the night when the water is cool which might make them less stressed.  Keep pets indoors and less stressed.  Stay out of the sun so you won't need so much water.  People on diets don't need 8 glasses of water a day as in a lot of people the water collects and makes them fat and heavy because of the salt we eat these days in everything.

  2. Shorter showers

    Don't leave water running while brushing your teeth

    Car washes filter and reuse the water they wash cars with through the drainage and filtering system they have

    Wash a full load, not a couple of shirts when washing clothes

    Limit the amount of times you use your dishwasher

    Use a bucket of water when washing your car instead of leaving the hose running or wasting water during the process.

    Ensure all leaks are fixed.

  3. take ur washing to the beach and bring soap

  4. Dont leave the water running when you brush your teeth

  5. Do full loads of dishes and laundry when using machines.

    If doing dishes by hand have a rinse sink full of water.

    Take shorter showers

    install water efficient toilets

    don't water your lawn or if you HAVE to reduce the amount of times you do.

    recycle your sink, bath, and other water and use it in your toilet (will need a separate tank for this)

    Hope that helps

  6. I think every house should get a water storage tank. This way instead of just having a small catchment area around the dam, the area of the whole city would be a giant catchment area.

  7. do not run the tax to excess

    do dishwaser and laundry in full loads

    use care when watering the lawn and plants.

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