
What are some way's animals can become endangered.?

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Please list some way's animals can become endangered (for example, pollution.) and explain a little to prove your answer. Please and thank you. I'm doing a science project and this would help very much. I'll vote best answer if given.




  1. There are endless ways an animal's habitat, or home, can be destroyed. We humans most likely pose the greatest threat to animals globally. But I'll cut to the chase:

      -Deforestation: cutting down way too many trees at a time than se should or even really need, demolishing woodland creatures' homes.

      -Ocean Pollution: contaminating our precious oceans will toxins and polltants, mutating, killing, and forcing sea creatures out of their homes.

      -Ozone depletion: our chemicals and toxins penetrating this precious layer of oxygen; this increases UV radiation and heat in areas all over the world, making the area uninhabitable for the animal.

      -Urban Sprawl: building and developing buildings and homes, etc. for us humans spread out all over the place, in complete disregard for whatever may live there, and as you probably know by now, the animals have to find a new home.

    Well, I'll stop there. I hope this gives you a good idea of a few of the ways animals can lose their homes and become endangered. Think about it this way: what if suddenly, 60% of the human race was homeless, starving, etc. wouldn't their lives be in danger? EN-DANGERed.

    So anyway, I hope this helps. Good luck with that project! :)

  2. well how you said pollution on thing leads to another we pollute then that pollution starts to deteriorate the world and the pollution also destroys the ozone and with the ozone destroyed the earth heats up and when that happens all the animals on the polar caps start to die , for example polar bears, the heat is melting the ice and when the bears go for a swim away from land there is no ice for them to rest on and then they drown , so to make a long story short if we pollute here in the us it affects animals  10,000 miles away from us

  3. the loss of their natural habitat, for example, cutting down the rainforest they also lose their food sauces.

    over hunting/fishing

    the biggest danger to man.

  4. Polluting lakes and rivers where the animals feed or live

    Deforestation of areas they feed or live



    Global warming, causing melting of the ice caps, so there is less area for animals like polar bears, who require a certain number of square miles to ensure there is enough food for each bear

  5. When Nature changes drastically, like it has recently, attitudes of all species change also. the other week a cougar left the forest and went into a neighborhood and without fear walked down the sidewalk until a city police officer shot him dead. due to nature's climate the robins came here this time of year only i had 6 inches of snow on the ground, but its that time of year.  attitudes  of animals, people, birds are all off due to unatural nature's change. attitudes can delete life of animals and people  by putting them in harms way, either destroying them completely or particially. we people, animals, birds, plants etc. are one as nature, when nature changes, we all change, similiar to nature on earth.

  6. polluting the oceans and lakes & cutting down trees,

  7. Lexy is correct, man is the biggest threat to all species survival.

  8. Species naturally arise and become extinct, and no one knows how many species exist, or the natural rate they evolve or become extinct.

    Species become endangered when they cannot adapt to changing conditions.  Since conditions are always changing, all species must continually adapt or die out.

    Species that have been isolated from ecological competition, those that eat only a few types of prey, or require exacting climate conditions, are the most vulnerable.

    Species that are not so picky, like sharks that eat anything, are less vulnerable and more successful.

    I know some folks here have focused exclusively on mankind's role in perturbing species, but it is not clear mankind is significant compared to natural variance.

    It has far more to do with species adapability, and that has nothing to do with mankind.  For example, pigeons thrive in cities, and cities are the least hospitable to life and have undergone the most dramatic land transformation.  Cities have higher pollution, CO2, are warmer, the ecology completely disrupted, etc. ... yet pigeons love it.

    Then again, cute and cuddly species tend to get quite a bit more attention than species that compete with humans.  No one objected to the eradication of the s***w fly, or smallpox, and slaughtering mosquitoes by the zillions is very much approved of.

    As far as mankind's contribution to endangered species, there are many:

    pollution of the water, air, and land

    over hunting and over fishing

    dams built on every river that can possibly generate electricity

    facilitating entry of new species into isolated ecologies

    antibiotics (the bacteria appear to be winning again)

    land use changes (forests to farms, cities everywhere)

    But understand that nothing short of total thermonuclear war would have much permanent effect on global ecology.  Large meteor strikes over the ages have pretty much incinerated and destroyed enormous numbers of species, and yet some make it through.

    The nature of reproduction is such that ONE BREEDING pair alone can repopulate an entire species, so the best mankind can do is somewhat accelerate the extinction of a species already headed towards extinction.

    Otherwise mankind's track record of eradicating annoying and deadly species ... has been mostly futile.

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