
What are some way to make some apartment's more energy efficient?

by Guest32493  |  earlier

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What are some way to make some apartment's more energy efficient?




  1. well  try to eliminate waste, and recycle and reuse as often as you can, this may sounds gross but i've heard of ppl doing it, you get a small tupperware tote like 1 cubic foot and get some earth worms and you can leave the lid on it as long as you are opening it pretty frequently to put new stuff in and just put your egg shells and fruit and veg waste in it and its a apt. size compost and you can give your friends or relatives the nice topsoil who have gardens. also just try to lower your shower/water usage.

  2. stop draughts, insulate.

  3. Allow a bunch of homeless people to move in with you, thus making it more efficient by way of housing more people in a small space.

  4. to save money in my aprt i switched all the bulbs out for the little energy savers

    you can get a box of either 6-8 at walmart for under ten bucks. they really do work

    then there is the normal's turn the temp up a little, turn lights off and just watch what your doing and use the sun light to light your work

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