
What are some ways I can get my backhand spring?

by  |  earlier

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ok so all my coaches at cheer say i CAN do my backhand spring by myself but whenever they tell me to do it by myself....i just cant get the courage to do it.

They keep on telling me to just through it but i just dont think it's that easy!!!!

tryouts are in 2 weeks and i need a fast way to get over my "fear"

HELP!!!!! :\




  1. i was the same way. do you go to a gym at all? what i did was did it on the tumble track by myself..when i was comfortable with that, i moved to the spring floor..then to the normal floor. it helped me realize i could do it i just needed to KNOW i could! :) good luck!

  2. thats how i was at first so i know how scared a person can get. you should just go for it or have them spot you and move away a little more each time so eventually you will go for it on your own. once you do it the first time, it will just come naturally.

  3. I used to be the same way. I knew i could do it but i was too scared. Then one time i just decided to just do it. Don't think about it too much because then you will just chicken out. Count to three and go. It would save you much more time if you would just do it. If your coaches say you are capable then you are.

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