
What are some ways I can help relax my boyfriend's tense, knotted neck?

by  |  earlier

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His neck bothers him every day, and he can barely stretch it at all. I wish there was some way I could help? With paying for college and everything, he really doesn't want to throw around 50 bucks on a professional massage. Any tips? Thank you!!




  1. he might need to see a chiropractor, but if you're just wanting a massage, find a school and they usually have much cheaper prices. if it's something that has been giong on for a while, you will probably need to see both a chiropractor and a massage therapist

  2. Chiropractor! You'll be happy you went. Stretches -  sit w/legs at 90 degree, pull head w/ left hand to where the chin touches the left collar bone with the head slightly tilted to the left. Repeat switching to the right.

    - use the fingers to press chin straight back (like your fingers are going straight into your teeth) then use mild force to tilt head straight back. Feels weird w/your face pushed back but it will stretch a new spot. 10 reps 3 x's a day help a lot.

    Heat patches work well.

    Heat/ice swap every 20 min + IBuprofen.

  3. There is a pressure point procedure you might want to try for tight neck muscles. Ask your boyfriend to do it, may help, may not, works for me. Have him squeeze his eyebrows or pinch them. Start at the end of the eyebrow closest to his nose. Take the tip of his thumb and the tip of his index finger and squeeze, hold, count to a slow seven, let go. Move to the middle of the eyebrow and do the same thing and then to  the farthest end. Only do this once or twice at a time and wait a few hours before doing the procedure again. The other procedure that I have my Son do on me is,(it will take someone taller and stronger than you). I stand sideways and they place one hand under my chin and the other hand behind my head. I have them lift up slowly as far as they can or I can stand, hold and slowly turn my head from one side then back to the other side, then back straight, then lower my head slowly back to it's normal position.. You might also massage the back of his neck and shoulders, and rub with some Aspercreme Cream. You are a caring girlfriend and I wish for you and your boyfriend the very best.

  4. go to a place were they massage u. ask them to rub out the knots in his back. and then drink water to let out the tocxins

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