I've been in my high school's marching band for three years now, and this is my fourth (I will be a sophomore in August). I decided I wanted to be a drum major after seeing the three Majors of my choice college's band...however I don't know how to make myself known as a DM candidate. My high school band is relatively small and we only use one Major. Our current DM is in her senior year, so I have my eye on next year (my junior year).
My predicament is this: in my school, the DM is not selected by a majority vote or a tryout process, it is selected purely on appoinment by the Director. However, my band director is retiring at the end of this year, and I don't know how to make an impression on a new director. Also, I will be a Section Leader next year so I'm afraid that the director might not want to lose my instrumental abilities...over half the band now are first-year members and we can't afford to lose veterans.
What can I do to secure the DM spot next year?