
What are some ways for a13 year old to make money in a rural town?

by  |  earlier

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also, where I am there is no paper route, and no large neighborhoods to put up flyers and mow the neighbors lawns. I dont get an allowance because my family is below the poverty line, airgo we're poor, like the rest of this town, and most of maine, so there are few people accepting to pay for deeds, nor are there many people to do it for. There is no local programs, or anything else.... thank you




  1. babysitting.

  2. Make some sort of arts and craft item you think people might buy (if you're artistic) and sell it. Or cook something and sell that.     See if your neighbors need help doing chores or taking care of pets or kids. Ask your parents for ideas, maybe they will pay you to do some chores or help you think of ideas.

    It'll get easier to make money as you get older, too.

  3. In summertime many farmers appreciate help with baling hay or chores around the farm. Experience is not nessecary they will teach you.

    How about shoveling snow for the elderly members of church, or doing grocery shopping for members of your church.

    Keep your chin up, things will only get better. Stay positive, and you shall seek positive things in return.

    You should really enjoy your childhood, you are only young once and you will be having to work the rest of your life.

    But I wish you and your family the Best of Luck!

  4. You could start lobbying through your local gov't to have a community centre for the local youth.  Write a story about your problem and send it to a magazine or get in touch with your local radio station and ask them to put it out there.  Get involved in the local community groups and because you are taking the first step, they will think of you when an appropriate job becomes available for your age group.  You could do some sort of craft, woodwork or whatever and sell it to gift shops in surrounding areas.  The key is, get involved. Good luck

  5. seems you are computer literate. that is service you can sell to others that aren't.

    You can make inventories of their possessions for them to keep for tax purposes. they may have a large video or CD collection that you could compile so they stop buying duplicates. You can write letters for folks who no longer can hold a pen. You can do Internet searches for products for them - a finder's fee if you will.

    Use what you have and what you know. Post your services on craigslist.

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