
What are some ways i can gain arm strength to help me for cheerleading?

by Guest60491  |  earlier

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I'm a base and this is my first time being a cheerleader. I was wondering if their were any things i can do (with weights perferably) to gain some strength so it wont be as hard to lift girls for stunts. i have 5lb weights. i dont exactly want to be buff..but i want strength and want to tone down a little for tumbling.




  1. Push-ups are sometimes easier then lifting weights and better to get you used to the weight. But otherwise lifting weights is good, you can look on google for quick cardio routines you can do with weights to fun music. Its a good way to get (and stay) in shape and have a little fun. Oh and pilates and yoga are really good ways to get into and stay in seriously great shape. My whole squad does it.

  2. Full body palaties will work. You should talk to your coach. Weights will work. You want to lift more pounds in less time. Start with 5lbs. Do three reps of 10 - 18. When you reached 18 switch to 8 lbs. Do three reps of 10-18. When you can reach 18 go up in lbs. You can the tention in your arms. Move very slowly while watching tv or a dvd. Only do these reps every other day. Not everyday you need to give your musels a rest. Don't do anything if there is pain. Listen to your body. Walking will give you strength and so will a lot of water. Watch that you don't eat junk food. Good Luck!

  3. You're not going to gain "unwanted bulk", since you don't have the testosterone needed to gain bulk. 5 lb weights are totally useless. Instead, find a water jug (one of the 5 gallon jugs), lift it overhead and hold it there until you feel tired, but not like you're giong to drop it. Hold in a position like Donkey Kong holding a barrel from Donkey Kong 64.

  4. the best thing to do is consult your cheer coach or gymnastics coach. they know what you need to do and so they will have better answers. this will also help prevent injury from just trying random things you think will work. Also, you can ask any of the other bases on your squad who have been on it before

  5. push ups


    push up handstands

    pull ups

    side planks (you lay down and push up on one arm and point the other hand in the air)

    go to the park and practice monkey bars or climbing trees.

  6. lift the weights, if you'd like, search up on google some good arm exercises. push-ups improve arm muscle too, so try to do those every day. during a commerical when you're watching tv, when you're bored, or whenever you have a few extra minutes to spare.

    a lot about basing is leg muscle also. try jump squats and running around the block every day. nd as the person said beforee me, you'll gain muscle and technique just from stunting at practice (:

  7. Well when I was in cheerleading, I gained my arm strength from being in it. I don't see why you should gain the strength another way when eventually you will gain in through cheerleading :P

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