
What are some ways i can serve my community?

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i just wanna help someone




  1. Pick up trash on the sidewalks

    Volunteer at your local Boys and Girls Club

    Volunteer at a retirement home and visit the shut ins

    Carry cans of soup, hats, umbrellas, gloves, etc... to give out to someone who looks like they need it.

    Help someone at the grocery store reach or find something

    Join the local big brother/big sister program

    Local churches

    Volunteer at a food bank

    Volunteer at a homeless shelter

    Volunteer at the special olympics

    Volunteer at the hospital

  2. Contact the United Way and ask for volunteer services that you can participate in.

    Or contact your local food bank,

    or your church.

    Or just visit someone in a retirement facility.

  3. Donate some food to homeless people and animals.  Volunteer at elderly centers.  Volunteer to read to blind children at a hospital.  Donate your old clothes and toys to a Salvation Army.  Donate some money to help the Jimmy Fund or any other funds.

  4. That's fantastic you want to do something - our world needs more people like you!

    There are tons of ways, from small to big but even small ones can create a ripple effect.   Here are a few ideas:

    - smile and say hello to people you don't know

    - really listen when people talk and show you care

    - offer to help a neighbour such as shovelling snow, cutting lawns, babysitting their children, bringing over something you've made like soup or muffins, sharing your garden

    - click on 'The Hunger Site' and the related sites everyday (go to )

    - pick up litter wherever you see it

    - reduce your consumption

    - recycle what you can

    - eat vegetarian and organic

    - get a hybrid for your next vehicle

    - buy fair trade goods

    - pick a cause you're passionate about and do something for it, be it fundraise, donate, write petitions, or hands-on help

    For ideas go to:

    Check out these websites for lots of ideas on random acts of kindness:

  5. check out some volunteer organizations in your place.. or just be a good example..

  6. contact the Salvation Army. They do the most good. you can see if your hospital needs volunteers. volunteer at your childs school. adult daycares are a good place to help too.

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