
What are some ways not to get food stuck in your braces???

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I'm starting school soon and I just got braces on every time I eat I get food stuck in my braces especially the front ones. Are there any ways like maybe chewing a certain way that helps the food not get stuck as much or like is there something you can do with water?? Remember I'm at school so I can't exactly bring a toothbrush.




  1. when i had braces i found these really cool like little brush thinks and they work really well for at school you just poke its through your braces go to wallmart or cvs and look around see if you find them.

  2. I'm getting braces soon too, so I asked my friend what she did at school, because she never brought a tooth brush.

    She said that swishing water in your if your drinking water or something at lunch, swish it around in your mouth real quick so no one sees, and then swallow...that works a lot.

    Aaand...a toothpick?? Apparently thats a good thing to use too =)

  3. get these pipe-cleaner like things at any pharmacy. they're made esp for braces, it kinda looks like a toothbrush w/ pipecleaners attached to them, go to the bathroom and use them after doesn't take too long...just go in 5 mins before your lunch is over (which c'mon you're probably only taking to your friends by then) and insert the pipecleaner thing between the metal. and rinse. done!

  4. Always have a bottle of water with you and swish it round as forcefully as you can. This helps get rid of alot of the stuff that gets stuck, If something is still stuck then buy some CareDent Proximal Interdental Brushes, they are so tiny they can go in your pocket, just go to the bathroom and poke it out using them. If you dont want to use the mirror where everyone can see you, also carry round a tiny compact mirror and go into a cubicle to clean out your teeth. Swish with water after that to and you should be fine till you go home and brush properly with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Good Luck :)

  5. Who said you couldn't bring a toothbrush or an extra one for that matter.  Yes you can and if I were you I would and eat as ferociously as possible and then go to the bathroom and get cleaned up.  No time to be so dainty.


  7. i understand u totally, i just started school w/braces too. it sucks because really all you can do is try to force it out w/your tongue w/o being too obvious. i always take a bottled water with me to lunch so i can swish it around after done eating as well, you are correct that can help, also the mini proxy brushes come in handy, after u eat just slide it b/t the brackets (i go into a BR stall after lunch) and swish again. having a small mirror makes it easier to check (lucky the back of my ipod is like a mirror). hope i helped

  8. don't eat

    sorry for the sarcastic answer

    but no matter what you do, you are going to get food stuck in your teeth

  9. there are these things tht you can buy @ cvs and they are like toothpicks but they r like really gentle and they can fit in ur pocket or anywhere else

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