
What are some ways of getting people to go to your website?

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What are some ways of getting people to go to your website?




  1. Getting traffic on the Internet for your website is the primary factor that help you achieve success in your online business. Getting traffic will not only attract the whole global population to visit and view your website but also help your website achieve top will have to introduce certain factors that will aid you to get traffic for your websites like writing articles is the most affordable way of getting traffic for a website. search engines are the marketing tools that help your website to get some top online rankings.

    Site content means the contents that are displayed before the customer when he visits a particular website. You should put keywords, links and hyperlinks on the footer, header and also sidebars to attract a great number of people to your site.

    The different ways of getting traffic for your website is very important, for these are the only ways to get top rankings and global recognition of your website.

    and to get massive traffic SEO techniques can help you


  2. Created a useful contents  in your site to your visitor. This is a  Natural SEO.

  3. Advertising on forums MSN myspace ect.

  4. Good Meta Tags, so it comes up on a search easier.

  5. Here are 7 tips on driving traffic to your website: These are the same methods used to generate over 500 visitors per day.

    1. Use article marketing to drive traffic. Write 3 quality articles per day at You will be able to include your website url in the author resource box. This is a little known method that can bring awesome traffic.

    2. Use web 2.0 to drive traffic to your website. Myspace and Facebook are the two best sites for this. Just be careful not to do too much outright marketing on your page as it can get deleted.

    3. Advertise on Craigslist. You can drive crazy amounts of traffic to your site by posting 10-15 ads per day on craigslist.

    4. Use ebay classifieds. This is one of the most underrated methods for driving traffic to a website. You can easily get 200 visitors plus per day with a good ad.

    5. Use Google adwords to get traffic. It costs five dollars to set up and account, once you get the hang of it, it can be extremely profitable.

    6. Use forum marketing. Do a google search for the top forums in your

    niche and begin posting on them. You will be seen as an authority on your topic and you will drive free traffic to your site.

    7. Learn some HTML editing principles as certain codes increase your sites earning potential. This is a great way to drive traffic and make sales.

  6. use p**n

  7. Getting people to your website online chatting,msn chatting,yahoo answers,myLot,forum. if you need more info.Check this out!

  8. Well, honestly there is so much more you can do than SEO, even though I highly recommend this. Below are 5 tips I recommend to get some serious traffic to your site.

    1. Web Video - This is an incredible way to promote your business, message or voice.

    2. Start a Web 2.0 pages - This is another medium for social media marketing

    3. Social Media Marketing - Do you want to overload your web server? Try social media marketing. Have a Facebook account? Do you Digg? StumbleUpon? LinkedIN?

    4. Press Releases - How about 6 figure impressions of your message in all the major news aggregators on the internet? Google News, Yahoo News?

    5. Blogger - Search engines love fresh content, and blogs are the best way to get your message or information indexed quickly.

    If you need for more traffic tactics just go through this link I think it's help a lot for the web sites :

  9.   There are many easy ways of getting people to your website like blogging press releases and social media.

      But before you focus on bringing visitors to your website you want to make sure your website is built to give you the best ROI and conversion rates on those visitors.

    Getting traffic to your website is not such a big deal, it’s bringing quality traffic - Visitors that will convert into buyers! That’s what you should be looking for!

    If you’d like A free website analysis on how guided sales can help you bring more qualified leads to your website:

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