
What are some ways someone who gets walked all over can get some respect?

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The guy I like keeps saying he'll call on certain nights but never does or he'll say we'll meet for lunch but he ends up making other plans without telling me until after the fact. Then when he asks me to come over I run to him. How can I make him more responsible and respectful? What can I do differently without coming across as needy or desperate?




  1. Thats the mistake most young women make. They think they can do something which will change the guy. Try to move on. Definitely dont come over to him when he asks or you are just reinforcing his behavior.  You deserve better and there will be someone you meet later who will not treat you that way. It might take a while but you will

  2. Stop allowing him to do that to you.

  3. I think this guy doesn't like you that much.  That's why he doesn't care how he treats you.

    There isn't much you can do to change him.  Your best bet is to find another boyfriend who will like you more than the present one does.

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