
What are some ways that I can make my home more environment-friendly if I live in an apartment?

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What are some ways that I can make my home more environment-friendly if I live in an apartment?




  1. Use CFL or LED lamps only for all lighting purpose.

    Use coated or low-E glass for windows to stop heat loss. The walls facing sun-set may be panelled to thermal insulation.

    All the owners of the apartments can go for a green roof.

  2. why would you want to do that? ur just making energy more accessible to somebody else, also these so called eco friendly fluorescent lights contain mercury, a highly toxic metal

  3. Have plants that clear the air of toxic fumes.

    Used florescent light bulbs.

    Use eco friendly cleaning supplies.

    Do not flush the toilet often

    Do not shave or brush your teeth with the water running.

    Take showers not bathes.

    Do not use insecticides.

    Turn unused lights off

    Unplug unnecessary appliances with clocks

    Unplug re-chargers. Charge when you will use the item

    Use childrens room latex paint. Much less toxic

    Close windows when the heat  or the air cooler is on

    Open the shades when the sun is shining in winter.

    Close the shades when the sun is shining in summer.

    Use layers of clothes to keep warm. And several layers of blankies. And a hat or hood.

    Eat organic

    Eat not carrion

    Do not install carpet

  4. many years ago, my apt was cool.

    and i didn't have lots of money.

    so i taped plastic over the living room windows.

    after that, i rarely used the heater.

    worked great.

  5. turn off your lights..if your not in that room. ( i'm still not sure about those compact fluoresce lights.)   check to see if your appliance our energy star saving ones.  example frigs, dishwashers, microwaves, and even older tvs.  also turn off things your not using like tv, computer or radio.

    you can install a new low flow shower head.  there are newer ones out there are so much better then when the idea first came out.

  6. well, they say using the right type of light bulbs and conserving energy in general...and guess what? this also saves you money ( but then the energy companies will only raise their rates to compensate for you trying to save the planet...go figure!

  7. Try growing some plants inside in a flower pot, an aquarium is better also. but the best is the orchids with different color

  8. Use eco-friendly light bulbs, and dispose of them properly (recycle them at a place that can reuse them).  Grow some leafy plants.  Shade your house in the summer to keep it cool and allow sunlight in the winter when it is cold.  Compost if you can.  Unplug appliances that are not in use.  Use biodegradable soaps and detergents.  Conserve water.

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