
What are some ways that genes can be regulated? These would regulate how much of a protein is made in the cell

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What are some ways that genes can be regulated? These would regulate how much of a protein is made in the cell




  1. Regulatory proteins that bind "promoter regions" of DNA and repress or stimulate expression (i.e., mRNA synthesis); structural proteins (e.g., histones) that bind DNA so tightly it cannot be transcribed into mRNA; covalent modification of DNA regulatory proteins in response to extracellular signals; increased synthesis of proteases that chew up mRNA before it can be translated; and so on, and so on....

  2. Regulation of gene expression (or gene regulation) refers to the cellular control of the amount and timing of changes to the appearance of the functional product of a gene.

    Regulation can occur at different levels:-

    DNA modification - eg. methylation, phosphorylation and acetylation of bases in DNA.

    Transcription - eg.repressors and activators

    Post-transcriptional modification - eg. splicing

    RNA transport


    mRNA degradation

    Post-translational modifications

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