
What are some ways that switzerland is affected by its geography?

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  1. No ocean is a major factor - without its own port, transport is expensive which is one reason why Switzerland is an expensive place to live...  Also, it is very small and has many mountains which impacts on the amount of space that can be used for housing - lots of apartment living in Switzerland.....

  2. At one time Switzerland was beset on all sides by imperialist expansionists. Being just a small country attentive to its own concerns it sensibly became an area of complete neutrality. Presumably somewhere in that same logic Switzerland has compulsory gun ownership for military age males.

  3. What type of geography are we talking about?  Below is a link that should provide you with plenty of information.  For one, Switzlerland is a small country with many different areas.  The northern part bordering the German border is rather flat with smaller hills compared to the southern area, where the Alps are found.  Naturally, the use of the land will be different in the respective areas.  In the more rural areas, farming is big, in the more urban areas it will be more industrial.  The beauty of Switzerland makes it a great destination for tourists.  

    Switzerland is surrounded by several countries with different languages, hence we have 4 languages, (Swiss)German, French, Italian and Romansch.

    Another important factor of Swizterland's geography that I remember from school (many years ago) is the fact that it doesn't border any ocean, hence the trading wasn't as easy.  Of course this would not be an issue anymore today.  :-)

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