
What are some ways that we can help some of the Christians that were displaced by Gustav?

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Do you know of any Christian outreach efforts that combine donations and help with the gospel of Jesus Christ?

I feel such a longing to help my brothers and sister in Christ. The pain that their familes are having right now hurts me.





  1. Why don't you instead send money to just help the people who were displaced by Gustav. I'm sure the Christians can get along fine by praying. Help out your brothers and sisters of HUMANITY first.

  2. Give to the Red Cross and stay out of the way. We're dealing with it fine. The last thing we need are preachers getting in the way.

  3. The families of non-Christians are in just as much pain.

  4. WOULDN'T A GOOD CHRISTIAN WANT TO HELP EVERYBODY?  i mean why would you want to help christians when you could be helping those that truely need help, christians know that they have church to go to for help.  what about the vodoo preistess that needs godly help?  i think that it sucks that you just want to help your people.

  5. What about the rest of the people?  Give you time or money to the American Red Cross.  

  6. Tell them to stop living in New Orleans for the love of Christ (who can't actually love (because he doesn't exist)). How many times do we have to go through this? It's a freaking swamp! Move somewhere else!

  7. My heart cries out for ALL the people who are suffering.  All are Gods children, and many may only come to know Gods love by seeing our kindness in thier time of need.

  8. SO...I am wondering....will you call God up on the hotline for a list of WHO the christians are? or will you just be taking thier words on it?

  9. Samaritan's Purse is a great organization, headed up by Franklin Graham, and the Red Cross welcomes monetary gifts.  I live in North Carolina, and I remember when Hurricane Felix affected the people living along the coast with torrential flooding, the trucking company my husband works for took donated items to key locations affected by the flooding.  The most important thing we can do is continue to pray for all the people affected by Gustav, that the Lord would supply their needs.  God bless!!!

  10. How about being a little more like your religion's namesake Jesus and just help your fellow man period.

  11. I think everyone deserves to be helped. There are so many religions out there, especially with kids involved. No one should be left out. Not even the animals. I'm sure the Red Cross will be helping. You can get your Church involved along side of them. Talk to your Pastor about that.

  12. So if they are not Christian, you don't want to help them?  I'm sure Jebus would be proud of you.  


    the redcross

  14. So, I guess you'll let the non-christians rot.

  15. Ummm...why would you ask to help only the Christians? What about the Jews, the Muslims, the Hindus, and even the Atheists that were displaced by Gustav? Should we just ignore them? Is that what you think Jesus would have done?

    -IMP ;) :)  

  16. How about helping out everybody?

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