
What are some ways that you could convince the school board, city counsil, or another group to support more ..

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activities for young people?




  1. Regularly attend local council meetings and/or school board meetings.  Have your voice be heard, just make sure it's an educated sounding voice.

  2. after considering the nature of your 4 posted questions in the same time period, i would suspect you are gathering input for either debate class or a civics paper....if so very clever!!!!KUDOS

  3. Offer to raise the money instead of sticking your parents with the higher tax bill.

  4. most of them old farts are just thinking about their pensions and their senior dicounts...i doubt you can convince them to let teenagers use their brand new senior center for dances but you may be able to bribe them with coupons..good luck

  5. I think it is the families responsibility to provide activities for their children.

  6. i don't my town the city council opted to have an unnecessarily massive police 2006 only 22 people were arested 18 of which were minors...out of a population of over 2000 people....the problem is giving youth a nightlife results in vandalism...the kind you'd expect...noise pollution grafiti etc...Council needs to see that cooping kids up with a cerfew/or having nothing for them to do is psychologically distructive as it alienates them from society...

  7. So many times people demand that local government entities provide more activities to occupy young people that have nothing better to keep them busy and off the streets. The problem is that nothing concrete is presented that can be voted on, just a demand that something be done. If you and/or your group of civic-minded individuals have put together a plan that sets forth what y'all are willing to put together as a program along with the who, what, when and where, local government would have something concrete to consider.

  8. You first have to present a concrete plan, then you actually have to appear at the meetings with your concrete plans and present them. Then if you don't get the answers you want, don't quit! try another tactic. The fact is you have to show up, and keep showing up so that your face becomes familiar and these people can see that you are serious. Maybe your plan will work or maybe it won't, but if nobody sees it you can be sure it won't work. You might even get something else you need or some good ideas by attending these meetings. GOOD LUCK!!!

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