
What are some ways to advertise my brand new photography company?

by  |  earlier

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I need some advice and some tips on advertising to boost some sales . I am really good at what I do and I want people to know.




  1. I have a very unique advertising tool that is very effective yet inexpensive.  I carry a camera everywhere I go and I show people how this company has revolutionized the way we keep in touch with clients, find new clients and generate referrals.  Small business owners immediately see the potential once they have done a walk-through of this business.  It would definately show people how good you are at what you do, and you could use it for personal use as well....just to keep in touch with people.

    I can't post the site here, but contact me and I will show you more!

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. I suggest the use of Flyer's is a good idea to get people interested about your service.

    Print out lots of Flyer's and post them through local letter boxes - go everywhere or employ young people to do they should be willing.

    Distribute evenly around your area.

    You could also use the local newspapers at the same time this will make your target market more likely to come across flyer's and also newspaper ads at the same time making them more aware of your company and therefore more likely to test it out.

    Theres a lot of options but it also depends on your bugeting - how much are you willing to spend on your advertising. Try a bank loan if necessary.

    Those ideas worked for my business and slaes did boost.

    Good Luck!

  3. Take your portfolio to day cares in the area, we daycare parents love to buy great pics of our kiddos!

    Create a free website (you can use your internet provider, or there are several free websites available, for example:  Create a link from your MySpace page to your website.  Include pricing information on your website.

    Hook up with "Friends" on MySpace that are art fans, or photography fans, or who live in your area...  Blog and Bulletin them with news about your photography business.

    At the end of every email you send out, put your URL on it.  Make sure everybody you know is aware of your business, and that you are launching and looking for new business now!

    Submit some samples and an article and your URL to your local newspaper ("Harlingen Native Launches Professional Photography Business"), if they publish something that's free advertising for your business!

    Have business cards with your URL handy and give them out to everybody you meet.  Ask them to keep your new business in mind next time they need a professional photographer.

    Hope that helps!

  4. One way you can do it is to set up events with private schools, churches, real estate agents, etc. where you offer to take portraits of their people and give a free 8 x 10 picture- no one just takes the free picture, they purchase whole packages with wallets, and 5 x 7's etc. You get a new client list and instant business and it gives them a gimmick to offer to their people... they would be responsible for setting up the appointments, etc. you just show up on the day(s) and do your thing!  Good luck!

  5. First of all, move your webpage(s) to another host provider.  The appearance of floating ads via MySpace gives the apperance that you are truly an amateur when it comes to setting up a professional looking website.  Find a pay per month host provider.  And if you cannot afford such a monthly fee, then check out the homepage of your current internet provider and FTP your webpages onto the homepage and link your domain name via a redirection service such as or the forwarding/with masking option at

    Also take note that MySpace does not allow placement of SEO metatags [other than the <title>] so that you can gain an elevated web presence [a high PR (Page Rank)] on Google.  Your website must have the capability of being indexed by search robots and the like.  Without any SEO, even your currently published website is truly unsearchable.

    By the way, you are a very talented photographer.

    Good luck!

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