
What are some ways to be environmentally friendly?

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I'm trying to find some easy, cost-efficient ways to contribute to a cleaner environment. Right now, I try to recycle and use public transportation as often as possible. I also turn off the lights, tv, etc. when I'm not in the room. Thanks!




  1. what got me started was use one less napkin a day

    plant plants

    water ur plants at the coolest part of the day

    pick up litter

    if youre goin on a walk stay on the trail to avoid erosion


    turn off water while your brushin your teeth

    take quicker showers

    buy products that have been re used

    and many more things

  2. you're off to a great start. in addition to recycling, I always try to use everything at least twice. plastic containers that frozen dinners come in are great for chips & salsa or dip or veggies & dip.I even keep the drinking straws from fast food places, take them home, wash them & use them again.  I also keep a gallon jug by the kitchen sink to catch the cold water while I'm waiting on the warm water to wash dishes with. then I use the water to water plants or grass outside. I've heard others keep a bucket in the tub/shower for the same purpose. no need to waste all that water just b/c its not warm. I also have a rain barrel (provided for free by local USDA). we use the rainwater to water plants when it hasn't been raining or to rinse our hands if we get dirty outside. we get alot of rain during the summer, so its nice to be able to use that saved water if it doesn't rain for a few days. recently I've been hanging out laundry to dry instead of tossing it into the dryer. don't have a clothesline yet, but the backyard fence is drying the towels & sheets just fine. you can either put fabric softner into the wash or put the laundry in the dryer for like 10m with a dryer sheet to soften them up (not towels-makes them not absorb water well). and 10m in the dryer is better than an hour. every little bit helps. I've just been using them just how they are from the fence. I'm also making a switch to cloth diapers. I don't know if this fits your life right now, but if not, it probably will in the future so don't forget. save during the pregnancy for cloth diapers as they do have a large initial investment. but overall they are cheaper & better for the landfills.

    those are a few things that I/we do. maybe you can use them yourself.

    Good Luck!

  3. Things are earth friendly,

    but they wont change a thing.

    its scientifically proven.

    just let me explain a little..

    1. Who says that this is the right temperature for the earth?

    maybe its higher, maybe its lower.


    Maybe one organism will die,

    but another may reproduce into a new organism.

    God has a plan, and that plan is going to happen,

    so why worry?

    2. Ethanol does DAMAGE to the economy.

    All it does is use up all the corn so that families may not be able to afford to eat it.

    My family hasnt eaten corn in about 2 years.

    Global warming is making us all CRAZY.

    3. All scientists say the only 2% of 'Global Warming' is caused by humans and animals.

    and half of that is just by us breathing in and out.

    So if we would kill every single organism on the earth,

    Global Warming STILL wouldnt be solved.


  4. turn down your heat/air conditioner. . . instead, use a blanket or sweater/ open windows, use paper fans

    change lightbulbs to the eco-friendly ones

    paint one wall of your house with no windows a dark color to keep in heat during the night, or to soak up coolness at night for the hot day

  5. thank you ,for asking this question .....i read answers and learned something new..thanks...one2008

  6. Wow there are so many things you can do. Right now going green is the thing to do which is excellent. You can switch your existing light bulbs to CFL light bulbs which reduce energy, last longer, and saves you money. You can buy organic t-shirts meaning there were no chemicals used in growing the cotton used to make the shirt. Recycle bottles, paper, cans, newspapers, cardboard, anything. EVERYTHING is recyclable you just have to find a place that will recycle it. Earth day is coming up, so plant a tree or bushes native to  your environment. You can also educate others to start going green and this will start a chain that will hopefully save our planet. May the forest be with you....ha just a little joke.

  7. thank you very much you are already there  just one  word spread this habit around ,example  i work in the hospital but one of the nurses collects all cans from  patients food trays and  all plastic bags.   so donot  stop at home only also other areas

  8. You may use: My Best Recycling Idea

    Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

    Major items needed:

    One empty plastic gallon container.   Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

    One empty plastic ½ gallon container.  Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

    Directions:  Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up.  Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline.  Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container.  Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon  to complete your planter container.  Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

    Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant.  If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

    Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest.

  9. ok one of the best ways is to make sure your house has insulation such as loft, cavity wall. although it costs to be put in, you will notice a rapid decrease in your heating bills and over time pays back the cost of having it done in teh first place and still keeps your price low and it all is environmentally firendly!!


    light bulb efficiency

  10. Use cloth reusable grocery bags plastic and paper bags are bad.  Only take the trash out when the outside can is full.  That way the garbage truck does not have to idle out front for a less than full can.

  11. * turn ur lights off

    * walk to more places instead of driving/riding in a vehicle

    * recycle

    * use enviormentally friendly cleaning products

    * plant trees

    * use less paper/ use both sides

  12. Never use plastic bags or single use water bottles.

  13. Just a few things: buy organic, avoid products with excess packaging or non-recyclable packaging, recycle when you can, start composting in your backyard, drive less (if possible), opt for reusable shopping bags, turn down the thermostat a degree or two, change your lightbulbs to CFLs or LEDs, and lastly, get involved with efforts in your community to spread the word!

  14. The easiest and most advantageous option for you is to replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs.They last longer, are better for the environment, and save you more money--everybody wins!

    --recycling is also important--Keep up the good work!

  15. Hug a tree or make friends with a squirle! Otherwise, just by your presence on the planet and all the things you do on a daily basis to sustain yourself puts you in constant odds/war with Mother Nature/The Goddess.

    If you want to do the most earth friendly thing ever...... stop supporting the killing and eating of animals for your own enjoyment and sustainance! As long as you take part in this ghastly practice, nothing you do will have any lasting or meaningful Spiritual significance...... otherwise, your "Eco-friendly ACTS" will only be a side show, a sham, a sharade, hucksterism, a woeful pretense!

  16. To the person above : Scientists also predicted the earth was going to end three different times - THIRTY years ago. My point is, scientists aren't always right.

    Well to answer your question,

    there are many ways to be enviormentaly friendly.

    1.Always throw away your garbage in the garbage can to prevent polution. If you're nowhere near one, shove it in your pocket until you are.

    2. During the day, when in a room only use one light if neccisary. If you are near a window, don't turn on the lights AT ALL, if you can help it.

    3. When using a computer, you can find buttons hidden under the screen or on the front of it (depending on what kind of computer you have), go to 'Menu' and turn down the back light so that it's not using up as much energy.

    4. Always have your printer turned off when you're not using it.

    5. Any add-on items in your house, such as a toaster, coffee maker, tv, etc. Unplug them until you need them. Add-on items don't need to be turned on to suck up energy. As a matter of fact, ANYTHING that is plugged in, inside your house is using up energy and electricity even when it's not being used or turned on.

    6. NEVER, throw wet garbage into the recycling.

    More then %70 of recyclable garbage has to be thrown out instead of recycled JUST because even the smallest wet item is in there, which is a WASTE.

    7. Don't use a whole peice of paper, just to jot down a phone number, or a message. Always use the whole peice of paper.

    Valuable trees are being wasted as we speak.

    8. You can buy those swirly light bulbs, they use less electricity/energy and shine twice as bright, and last longer as an extra bonus.

    9. %10 of your electrical bill is the little red lights from things such as, answering machines, micro-waves, computers, computer speakers, etc.

    There's TONS of ways to be enviormentaly-friendly that you can easily pick up online.

    Hope this helped!

  17. I would recommend checking out for over 50 ways that you can help the environment while also saving money.

  18. I just wanted to let you know that the new swirly (cfl) lightbulbs have to be recycled, because they have mercury in them.  There isn't a lot in them, but according to the article which you can find at , there is enough to contaminate 6,000 gallons of drinking water.  So don't drop one!  

    One recycling tip I heard somewhere is to recycle pantyhose or thigh high stockings, when they look ready for the trash. (I don't think they are bio-degradable)   You can use them to store rolls of wrapping paper in, they can easily hang from hooks in closets or even on pants hangers in closets.  I thought that was a good tip.

    As everyone else has been suggesting, just keep recycling everything.  If you can, even start a compost heap in your backyard (if you have one) and put all food scraps there.  Great for the garden, and that's another great way to go Green for the environment, grow some of your own veggies and herbs, it will help you save money, as well as contribute to the oxygen production.  Every little plant helps.  

    And always remember, where there's life, there's hope.

    Blessed Be,

    Silky The Witch

  19. yes i agree on all of these, its great to recycle..good luck

  20. use less enegry, pick up trash, recycle, turn off lights when u don't need them, don't waste paper

  21. throw trash on the ground

  22. plant trees, recyle, use less electricity

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