
What are some ways to become less depressed without taking anti-depressants?

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My mom complains that she is depressed, and thinks my brother is too. So her best attempt at handling problems is to take anti- depressants and she gives them to my brother also. I don't think he really needs them, so I am wondering if there are ways to get over being "depressed" without taking anti-depressents.




  1. Anti-depressants are highly addictive, highly toxic substances. Most people would find much greater relief and long term benefit from cannabis: it is an all-natural, non-toxic, non-addictive herb with a long history of use for countless medical issues, including depression. The only real contraindication for use is if you live in one of the remaining totalitarian societies where cannabis consumption is still foolishly repressed.

  2. Does she have a prescription for both? If she doesn't for your brother then it is illegal. However, you aren't in her's or your brother's shoes, so you have no clue how they feel. Sometimes antidepressants are the only thing. None of the stuff that Andy or shaneris says work if you are truly depressed. Depression isn't just fixed by exercising or herbal junk. Believe me, I have been on Paxil for 12 years. If you are truly depressed there is nothing you can do about it. No one knows what it is like, until you are us and walk in our shoes.

  3. First is to change those life situations.

    Second is to change POV _ if you think the worst is going to happen, then likely you will end up making it happen inadvertently.

    Third is exercise - not a lot, but getting out of the house and walking around the block one or two times a day.  Gets the endorphins going.

  4. In my case what I ended up needing to do was to deal with the people and problems that was causing the depression. Took quite a bit including getting social workers involved to get my family to back off on forcing me to be who they wanted me to be.

    That actually cured my depression really quick. took a d**n long time to regain full function after my parents were done with me though.  

  5. some depressions are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. so the first step is to be diagnosed and then if medication is needed to correct the imbalance, then they should be taken. but your mom should not give her medication to your brother, because her dosage is set for her weight and not your brothers, so it could be doing him more harm.  if the depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance, then there is something that is causing it.  i would try to find out the source and then try to work through it.  i have found that the bible is a great source of wisdom and comfort.  just look up depression or anything associated with it and read it and let god take control.  he will guide you through what you need to do.

  6. I was diagnosed with bipolar type 1 in 1996.  I was on a shoebox full of pills.  There was something to control the bipolar, something for sleep disturbances, and so on.  In the end, I figured that the pills were to regulate my behavior, and I thought I could do that on my own, so I stopped taking the medications cold turkey.

    I was right, so far as controlling my behavior.  I've been off the meds for 7 years now. Of course, what I did is not safe, and should not be done by anyone.  Nevertheless, the symptoms did not go away.  I just started learned to deal with them.  I still have periods of severe depression.  I still have very severe sleep disturbances.  But the way that I deal with it is a bit different now.

    First and foremost, I don't trust my mind and feelings.  This appears a little morbid on the surface, but it's very rational and sound.  If my emotions are the problem, and there are attendant thoughts that feed the problem emotions, then I absolutely should not rely on them.  So I question them, and I challenge them.  Especially the thoughts.  This way, I go through the depression, or the mania, but I'm not overcome by it because I've developed this sort of presence of mind or awareness of what's going on.

    If it's more difficult to deal with, I tell myself about the good things that have happened to balance out the depression, or I remind myself of some things that have not gone according to plan to help bring down a mania.  Yes, these things can be done, but they are very labor intensive and time consuming.  

    My advice is not to cut the antidepressants without medical supervision.  CBT (which is the formal name for what I do on my own) is very beneficial in the treatment of depression.  I recommend it, but only under professional supervision.

    ADD--Now that you've specified that the depression is situational, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) would work best in the long run.

    The reason that I would advise against cutting meds cold turkey is that some of them can have adverse effects if they are stopped suddenly. For example, depakote has been known to cause seizures if it is stopped suddenly. A lot of them require weaning.

  7. I've read here that people are saying make radical changes, like divorce, new job, etc. That should be avoided at all costs. After the episodes of depression, then the person can make radical changes with a clear head, but not during the episode, similar to drinking alcohol, lol.

    First, have the person go to a Psychologist, who can help plan a course for wellness. They can either refer you to a Psychiatrist, who can prescribe medication, or they can recommend things such as exercise (depending on the patient's physical condition) or therapy, along with several other actions.

    There is no second thing to do.

  8. go  for a 20 minute walk go read books at the library. my brother was dying and he said to me if he could walk again he would. he had heart trouble. so everyday i walk think of all the people that can't walk talk or even have clean water so your lucky have a good day take care of yourself and be good to yourself you only live once now go out and make it your day by the way i like men that have nice beards yours look good on you smile  

  9. s*x is the solution to all problems.

  10. Find purpose in your life. Some people have legitimate depression issues.

    Others are situational.  Situational depression may be a bad marriage, a broken heart, a crappy job, regrets about pissing your life away, etc.  These people should focus on changing the situation, not taking happy pills. That's just a copout.

  11. Be more rock n'roll and drop the morals and ethics a bit.

  12. I'm no stoner but i will suggest weed. It'll calm him down and let him forget about his problems. when he sobers up, he'll realize there's no point in worrying about silly things. Unhappiness is only temporary

  13. reduce the item in your life that is causing stress

    change job

    change location

    get divorced

    you and your brother behave better

    change is the key

  14. exercise, s*x , eating right, good sleep patterns (no naps), sunshine, interests (sports,  hobbies , socializing etc),volunteer work, animals are all possibilities. Not sure how old your brother is, but martial arts is great for many thing (building confidence, character, self control ,etc) and there is a lot of camaraderie in it, so that could help. There is a supplement that I can't think of at the moment, but I will ask my girlfriend at karate, she's into the holistic approach for healing/nutrition.  

  15. It's simple.................don't be. Seriously, talk to somebody, carry on a conversation, or just be grateful for what you have.

  16.      What worked for me when I was young was to become socially involved in things. I joined after school groups, Sunday-school, attended birthday parties and things of that nature. To this day, I can't imagine ever worrying about depression when there's just so much to live for. Maybe your brother should take a similar approach to having a good social life and maybe start dating. He could also work on his physique a bit which might give him some confidence. Having faith in oneself, having pride, having things to live for, having things to do and people to meet are all irreplaceable. See if you could invite your brother to events and such and see if he won't give these things a try.

          I don't know about your mom but my mom also went through a bit of depression and once she got herself a life partner, she started feeling good about herself again and she's so much better now. Maybe though for her, she could live with knowing that her sons are both happy would give her some more excitement. I don't know if you visiting her helps but you can volunteer whenever you get the time.

          In both cases for my mother and I, neither of us take depression medications though at one point or another we did. For me though, depression was just the lack of interest in my current state and trying new things was the only way to combat depression.

  17. think of happy things, all day long

  18. There are many things you can do to help treat your depression.

    Moderate exercise for at least 20 - 30 minutes, daily, and up to an hour. Brisk walking is good, and try to be mindful of the feeling your foot makes as it hits the ground: it is a relaxation technique. Also use daily, one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 2.c, 2.i, or 11, and/or yoga, Tai Chi, and/or the EFT, in sections 2.q, 2.o, and section 53, at whichever works best for you.

    Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it. Also take a vitamin B complex which is certified as being 100% of natural origin; a deficiency in vitamin B9 (folic acid, or folate) is known to cause depression. Around 30% - 40% of depressed people have low vitamin B12 levels. Depressed females using the contraceptive pill may benefit from vitamin B6 supplements.

    Occupational therapy (keeping busy allows little time for unproductive introspection, and keeps mental activity out of less desirable areas of the brain). As options, if desired, either a known, effective herbal remedy, such as St. John's wort, (the strength varies, but the supplier should be using a standardised hypericin content, so follow the directions) or supplements, such as SAMe, or Inositol (from vitamin and health food stores, some supermarkets, or mail order: view section 55 at ezy-build ).

    Initially, at least, some form of counselling, preferably either Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy, or Rational Emotive Behavio(u)ral Therapy. Co-counselling is shown in the first 3 pages of section 2, or online therapy, or even talking with someone you feel comfortable with, and a much more detailed post is on page R.

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