
What are some ways to commemorate a pet who has passed on?

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I have a cat, and he is about 14 years old. I have cared for him since I was five years old, and can't imagine not having him. As he is getting older, I am trying to think of ways to remember him once he passes away so the transition is easier. Any advice would be helpful.




  1. When our cat was sick and going to died, the vet took a photo of the cat and cut it into a small circle.  he then took a paw print in some soft clay, and put the photo on the clay next to the foot print. When it hardened, it was a very nice remembrance of the cat.  

  2. I make a donation every year to the humane society on that day.

  3. If you wear jewelry you could get one of those laser engraved pendants with your cats picture on it.  That away he will always be with you no matter where you are.

  4. We are now in our 70's and have rarely been without several cats (now down to 2) so you can imagine that we have had the sad task of seeing them to their end.

    We have a fairly small back garden, and curving all around the right hand side are round stepping stones.  Each one of these marks the resting place of one of our companions.  On each, my husband has chipped out the name and approx date of birth, then death of the resident.

  5. i had a dog i really loved he died , i gave him a nice buriel, and put a 2 foot bu 3 foot com crete slab over it and got a small stone that says pets leave paw prints on our hearts and a copper urn with small flower arrangment, it looks pretty and every time i see it i think of him.didnt cost much eather

  6. We had our cat cremated and keep the ashes on a small "shrine" with his picture and collar.

    Check this site for other ideas:

  7. well, my grandmother had two pillows made with each of her dogs picture on them. they are beatiful pictures that sit on the couches. you can get order them at like walmart, or target... or walgreens. you can even get someone to professionally paint and frame your dogs picture. that would last forever!

  8. Get a kitten and play with it! You'll remember how much that cat meant to you, but the new kitten's antics will have you smiling and feeling needed.

  9. One of the most creative things you can do with your pet is turn its ashes into jewelry.  You can choose from pendants, earrings, brooches, and more.  There are also a lot of colors to chose from.  Here is a website:

  10. You can keep his ashes in an urn. Also pet memorial stones are beautiful if you decide to bury him. Many can be seen on to give you an idea of prices. Or you can put a memorial stone in a lovely garden area.

    When my Beagles died, I had put in the paper "Celebrating the life of "__pet's name___" and the dates of birth and death.

    I can feel that you really love your cat. In my case, it was very helpful to me to adopt a rescued dog . It makes the transition easier, if you do indeed want another pet.

    Thank you for being a caring owner and friend. The world would be a better place with more people like you.

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