
What are some ways to contact spirits and ghost?

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I was wondering what some ways to successfully contact ghosts and spirits because my friend's and I are going to do that some time soon.




  1. Those spirits and ghosts are actually demons. Demons are very evil creatures and wants to destroy people.

  2. I would first ask yourself what you are hoping to accomplish. Are you just wanting to get creeped out? or prove to yourselves that ghosts exist? That's childish. If you want to help them, that's different.  I've done a lot of what I call ghost healings. Me and some friends will go somewhere with ghosts (sometimes by accident), and will try to help them. Listen to your heart and feel for energies with the palms of your hands, looking for hot or cold spots. If you feel something, ask out loud "Who are you? What do you want? Why are you here?" and see if you hear an answer. Sometimes my answer comes from getting pushed or choked which isn't fun (and if you are afraid of that, don't do this). A lot of ghosts don't know they are dead because they died really suddenly or traumatically, and sometimes they grab me not because they want to hurt me but because they are desperate for help. I was in a historical house and was grabbed on the ankle by something. I heard a little girl crying hysterically. I called my friends over and we gave her Reiki, which is a healing calming energy. Once she calmed down, she told of living at a 1930s speakeasy that sold alcohol, being held captive and tortured. Poor little girl!!! What I do is tell them there is a ladder in front of them, and at the top of the ladder is a huge white light, and I encourage them to go up the ladder. And when she did, we heard her cry "Mommy!" so we guessed Mommy was waiting for her there. That's my favorite ghost healing story. So again I suggest you look into your heart first and ask what you want to accomplish. Hugs and blessings!


  3. i dont think you can actually contact any spirit unless you use a ouija board or something like that but im not too sure it would work or not ..

    usually a spirit wil contact you for a reason, like if a close relative had died, i was out one night and my dad was in hospital, and i saw him standing opposite me in the same room i was in, then about five minutes later i got a fonecall saying he had passed away, whether that was my imagination or not i dont know, but i believe that they will contact you if needed, not the other way round

  4. The spirits contact you when they get ready, not the other way around...they are not there to entertain you...

  5. Save your time and effort....even the greatest "mediums"  [mostly con men and women] have not been succesful yet.

  6. Try EVP. Electronic voice phenomenon. Take a recording device to a suspected haunted site and record. Bottom line, you need to have a blank medium. A new cassette or a digital recording device with nothing on it.

    Record, ask questions and you can get answers.

    Look up EVP on the web.

  7. Like the first poster mentioned....try a Ouija board.  I had a lot of success with them when I was younger.  I even had some pretty extreme experiences, and don't play with them anymore as a result.  You just have to be prepared for the fact that it can open you up to ANY type of spirits, good or bad.  Also, make sure everybody participating is very open-minded, and taking it seriously, or you won't have any success.

  8. I'd get an ouija board. There only 17 bux at walmart. And they work very well.

  9. I honestly don't think we can contact them. I've been experiencing some spiritual activity since losing my sister on Christmas Day 1981 and brother in 1982. All I can do is ask GOD to let them rest in peace or sometimes I ask HIM to give me a sign.

  10. Electronic voice phenomena

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