
What are some ways to cope with an unsuccessful job interview?

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I'm a relatively young person (24 yrs. old) and I have a very poor self esteem to begin with. What can I do to overcome the pain of being unsuccessful in a job interview so that I can be confident enough to try again?




  1. have a drink, an chill in front of the fire

  2. Just remember, if they weren't intestered in you they wouldn't have called you in for an interview to begin with.  So, you're probably at least 60% hired already.  Just answer their questions and go into details.  Remember that you're trying to sell yourself.  

    Don't worry if you don't get the job, it's tough getting picked anymore.  I've actually had some employers tell me "You're very qualified and I'd love to hire you, but we need to fill up our minority quota."

  3. Frist think what went wrong in the interview and think of ways to correct the errors so that it will'nt happen a gain. play some soft music bubble bath or talk about it with a friend or family.

  4. Tell yourself that that person was having an awful day.

    Imagine at your next interview that that person is having an awful day, and make an effort to be extra nice to them and smile until your face hurts. Speak like you're happy, sit up straight, use your hands to talk.

    Works like a charm for me, even if I'm talking to a b***h.

  5. Just know that you are not the only person that is that way and I have had many unsuccessful job interviews. Just say this to your head, no big deal, it probably wasnt ment for me. I will do better on the next one.  When you go to your new interview, relax, be yourself becaue there is nothing wrong with you, be completely honest , and dont think about things so much.  Just be nice and polite. Good luck.

  6. You should not feel too much pain over this, most everyone in this world has had a bad interview. Know that everything happens for a reason, and god wants something special for you... and your life and may be it was just not that job.

  7. Firstly to be successful at any job interview you MUST be confident in yourself. If it doesn't go well just remember, that there is something out there and you'll find a good job. Don't beat yourself up over it. :)

  8. Try to write down the questions they asked you. Then try to think of what you would have liked to say or ask others what they think is a good answer. Interviews are hard and a whole lot depends on the person doing the interviewing. Good luck. Try to reward yourself for trying.

  9. Look  I am approaching never gets better..maybe easier but not better. Bone up...but just know that it is not personal...never is...I still struggle with this.  IT IS NOT YOU HON.

  10. Go in with an atitude like you are already independently wealthy and you just doing this to fill out your day between sailing and sky-diving. This'll take away the desparation that screams to employers that you're pathetic.

    Oddly, people are quicker to give to those who already have.

  11. talk it out with someone, and don't be too hard on yourself.  practice interviewing with a family member or friend.

  12. Been there and done that soooooo many times and it is always hard. I honestly can't give you much for advice except that you are NOT alone. Keep trying it will get better. thing that makes it better for me is to make small talk with the person that comes out to take you to the interview. Seems to make me feel better

  13. try for another job straight away

    stay in a positive frame of mind

    meet your friends

  14. bubble bath. :)

  15. A job interview can be a very daunting and nerve-racking experience! The best way to both survive the experience and make it a successful occasion, is to be organised and prepared.

    Here are a few suggestions about how to prepare for interviews:

    Learn about the job and the company

        * What would you be doing? Know as much as you can about the job you are applying for and where the job role fits into the organisation. If there are selection criteria, these will give you a good idea of the work you would be undertaking. The job advertisement will also give you information.

        * What do they do? Find out what the company makes, sells or offers. The more you know and understand the products and services produced by the business, the better prepared you will be.

        * Who are they? Find out about the employer, where the business is based, try telephoning the Marketing or Public Relations Unit for any information or try to obtain a copy of the company's annual report if it is publically available. You may know someone who works there or be able to get information from the Internet, the Yellow Pages, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA, Shire Council or your local library.

    Know what to take

    It is important to take with you to the interview the following paperwork:

        * Your resume

        * A copy of your application, especially if you had to address selection criteria.

        * Qualifications, school records (if appropriate) and evidence of the levels completed.

        * Any certificates or speical awards relevant to the job.

        * Written references if you have them.

        * Samples of your work or hobbies that may be related to the job. For example, a model, samples of typing, art portfolio materials, copy of a report you have written, etc.

        * Your EMPLOYMENT FILE in which to present all this information. This is normally a vinyl folder with clear plastic pockets, whcih contains all of the above paperwork.

    Know how to get there

        * Double check the address of the business.

        * Make sure you know how to get to the building (use your street driectory)

        * Check bus timetables (or parking) and street directions so you know you will arrive on time (at least 10 minutes early).

        * If in doubt, do a trial run - go to the company beforehand and time yourself getting there.

    Decide what to wear

        * Decide what you are going to wear and have it ready the night before.

        * Be clean, neat and tidy. For example, brush your hair, have clean finger nails (no chipped nail polish) and clean shoes.

        * Dress to suit the occasion. Avoid wearing "way out" clothes, scruffy jeans or thongs.

        * Click here for more information about Personal Presentation.

    Know what to say

        * Give brief, clear answers to questions (but not just "Yes" or "No").

        * Practise the answers to questions the employer may ask. Use the list below for ideas.

    Typical Questions Employers Ask:

        * What aspects of the job interest you most?

        * What do you consider your special skills and abilities are?

        * Have you had any work experience in this type of work?

        * What do you know about our company?

        * Are you active in any clubs or community organisations?

        * What are your leisure activities/hobbies/interests?

        * Which of your school subjects interested you the most?

        * What are your long term career plans?

        * Would you undertake further training if it was required for this position?

        * How do you cope with new situations/procedures?

        * How do you feel about working as part of a team?

        * Would you be prepared to work overtime or on weekends if required?

        * When could you start?

    Know what to ask

    Prepare some questions you will ask the employer. Ask job realted questions, such as those listed below, not questions about holidays or money. It creates a good impression and lets the employer know you want to work for the company.

    Here are some questions you could ask:

        * What would be my career prospects?

        * What further study could I do?

        * Where and who would I be working with?

        * What training would I be given?

    At the Interview...a few helpful tips to calm the nerves!

    The actual interview itself can be a very scary thing to face, especially if you are not feeling very confident. Sometimes you may be interviewed by one person, or sometimes it can be a panel of up to 4 or 6 people! You will find it easier to face if you are well prepared!

        * Arrive ten minutes early. Give yourself time to gather your thoughts and check your appearance.

        * Introduce yourselfto the receptionist. Give your name, time of the appointment, name of the person who is interviewing you - and speak clearly and politely. For example: "Good afternoon. My name is Peter Brown and I have an appointment with Mrs Green at 2 o'clock." The receptionist will tell you where to wait. Thank the receptionist and wait quietly.

        * Greet the interviewer(s) and introduce yourself.

        * Smile and be ready to shake hands.

        * Enter the interviewer's office and wait to take the seat which is offered to you.

        * Maintain eye contact. This shows interest and demonstrates confidence.

        * Keep your hands and legs still. Don't fidget, fiddle, smoke or chew gum.

        * Answer questions honestly and politely. Consider your answers carefully and speak clearly. Give brief, celar answers to questions (not just "Yes" or "No").

        * Always try to turn the question to your advantage. This is your opportunity to show that the skills, interests and experience you have meet the requirements of the job.

        * When given the opportunity, ask job-related questions that are not about salary or benefits.

        * At the end of the interview, politely thank the employer/interviewer(s).

    After the interview...what next?

    Take from it what you can, and move onAfter the interview, evaluate your performance. This will help you in future interviews. Consider the things you did well and the things you could improve on.

        Each interview is not a win or lose situation. It is an opportunity for you to learn and gain experience for next time. Usually, you will not know straight away whether you have been successful in the interview or not. You will be contacted by telephone or mail. Now you'll just have to wait!

    If you find your interview to be unsuccessful, make sure you still look at the experience positively. It was a learning opportunity for you. Ask for feedback from the interview, it will help you with future interviews.

  16. If I were you, I would seek therapy or help from friends and family. But here goes, listen up pal, this world WANTS you to think that you are worthless and useless. This world thrives on ugly competition where only the fittest survive. What you want is MASTER THE SYSTEM. Always think how to be one step ahead!! People on an average prepare for an interview two weeks before, YOU START THREE WEEKS BEFORE. Always look for ways to win over the system, how to be one step ahead, BE A LITTLE SELF FISH when you need to, this is the bag bad outside world you are looking at. If you think you can, you can. Now go get some!

  17. I agree a bath is good (if you have one) but remember what Fredric Doglas said "Without struggle there can be no progress"

    at least you are trying and growing, it sucks, but its better than being numb and not having any ambition

  18. It's one of the hardest things getting a job, is the interview. The best way is just to look at the bright side of things, maybe the job wasn't for you anyways, or you'll find a different job. Think of all the other possibilities out there. Just keep applying at places you want to work at. Then when it comes time for the interview, it's easier to sit in front of a mirror the night before and practice your speech..."Why do I want to work for this company....why I would make a good candidate for this position....etc..." And, be sure to give direct eye contact and sit straight and keep your head up!!!

  19. Just relax, then like, remember, "It's not your fault that it's happening"


  20. Take it easy during your next interview.  Try not to think about it before the interview.  If you are qualified for the position, you have nothing to worry about.  In fact, there is never need to worry.  Worrying doesn't help you in any aspect in life.  Take the situation for what it is.  Really, what's the worst thing that can happen?  Someone else gets the job but you get to move on to a different position of which may be better for you.  Take life for what it is and don't worry.  It's pointless, trust me.

  21. Don't apply for jobs become an outlaw

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