
What are some ways to criminal proof my home/ protect myself?

by  |  earlier

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thinking about getting a 9mm, rifle and a couple of metal bats




  1. Handgun and lots of training

  2. Sounds like you already know what to do.

  3. Get a home alarm system. something like ATD. put up the sign on the lawn and than get some motion detection lights on the front and back of the house. keep your windows and doors locked.

  4. First, you don't want the metal bats.

    Secondly you don't want to use a rifle to protect yourself and home.

    Get an alarm installed if you wish.

    If you can rationalize a reason for owning a handgun, then the 9mm would be OK. But first you must make sure that state laws are not being violated by having a handgun.

    While I do have a 9mm for life and home protection, I believe a .45 cal would be a better home weapon. My choice was based on economics.

  5. A dog is actually the best deterrent. A gun isn't  a deterrent - unless you put a sign out that says "I have gun". Robbers always say they avoid the houses with dogs - there are so many more that don't have that barking alarm system and so they move on to easier prey. Metal bars are a good idea as well - they don't want to break glass as that gives them away.

  6. Put a "Harley Davidson" sticker in the back window of a 60s vintage Ford pickup truck in your driveway.

    Be sure there's an NRA bumper sticker on it.

    Your house will never be bothered.


  8. Getting a dog is a huge deterrent.  Most crooks wont even try to break in if there are "Beware of Dog" signs and a rottweiler in the backyard.

    Install motion activated flood lights in the front and rear of your home, thats often enough to deter an intruder.

    Make sure your house is break in proof.  Lock all your doors and windows and bring your keys with you and try to get into the house without using the keys.  

    Make sure you have strong locks on your doors and windows and USE THEM.  If you have sliding doors or windows put thick sticks in the slides so that even if the door gets unlocked, they can't slide open the door or window.

    Remember, the first line of defense should be outside your house.  You don't want to bait intruders into your home so you have an excuse to shoot them.  Try to scare them off instead.  Using a weapon should be a last resort.

    If you buy a gun buy a handgun or a shotgun.  A rifle is not a good home defense weapon.  Make sure you use hollow points in the handgun.  If you use hollow points you have less worry of a bullet passing through a wall and hitting a family member.  Also take a firearm safety course and even tactical training.  Most accidental shooting are caused by shooters who have had no training in firearm safety or use.

  9. A dog and an alarm system will deter most robbers. If you do install bars, be sure to get the kind that have a quick release on the inside since you'll want to be able to get out your windows in case of a fire.

  10. Get a big dog...

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