
What are some ways to get ideas for a book?? ?

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I want to write a book but I need a good idea, I get lots of ideas but they all come to a dead end.PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. For me I start with a small idea, you've said you have lots.

    Then write it down on paper - a mind-map format should help, and start to map out possible directions. Choose one you like and try that angle - if it doesn't work choose another.

    Music helps writers block. Perhaps get an idea and expand it to what happens in the song - without copying.

    Also read a lot, again no plagerism but it will give you ideas and influences.

    Just open your eyes and look around :) The first reviewer made a story out of an alarm clock - he/she is right, there are stories all around us and inspiration too.

    You could always ask again if you have your small idea and the directions, ask people (theoretically of course, if its real life) which way they'd turn. :D

    Hope this helps somehow.

  2. keep reading. either that or just read through a lot of synopsis' and get a few ideas. also try writing an ending before the rest of the book then make the rest of your book work towards that. then you won't ever have a dead end. we tried this in school and it worked quite well. remember to plan your story, it will help

  3. Writing Ideas

    Writing ideas are everywhere. There is

    no such thing as I can't come-up with

    an idea. Let's take a stroll down any

    day in search of writing ideas.

    The alarm goes off. It's a call to

    get your day started. Will you

    hit the snooze button?

    You twist, turn, finally stand.

    You yawn several times, try to

    focus, and get moving.

    Start breakfast. Drag back upstairs

    to shower.

    The coffee slowly drips into your

    system. Suddenly, you remember

    the tons of accounts waiting. You


    The train is late. You hope the boss

    is in a good mood. For some reason,

    the beginning of the week finds her

    in a foul mood, less understanding.

    I found a writing idea centering

    around the alarm clock.

    Full post at:

  4. well, if i were to write a book i would write it about something that would inspire someone else that happened in your life.or something that you have experienced that can be related to other peoples lives  

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