
What are some ways to get rid of a UTI??

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i know i have one. i really hate going to the doctor and i hear that pure cranberry juice helps with a UTI but is there anything else?? pure cranberry juice is kinda nasty and ive already drank a 32 oz. jar




  1. Cranberry juice and lots of water. The idea is to keep your bladder and UT flushed out so bacteria does have time to linger and build up....also you are always peeing because of drinking so much liquid and that relieves some of the burn and pain. I also use AZO Standard, available at drug stores or any retail store. It really helps a lot! I hate the doc too so I understand but if you do not find relief in a few days go to doc. Hope you feel better real soon! ;-)

    Click on this link for AZO Standard info:

  2. Sorry, has to be antibiotics. The infection could spread to your kidneys.

  3. Try yogurt it has the natural enzymes in it that will help kill the yeast.

  4. AZO Cranberry pills are definitely worth using. I hate cranberry juice but at least with the pills you won't taste it. I am actually going through this right now. They work for me if it is the start of an infection.. but if it's too far gone then I would need the prescription from the doctor. If the pills don't work in a day or so I would so go to the doctor because it could spread to your kidneys and such. I know its uncomfortable to be around be and such so try the cranberry pills first. You can get them at any drug store and most food stores... and they aren't expensive.  

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