
What are some ways to improve your running?

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what is the correct way to breath well running?

any ways i could get rid of the pain in my side that comes when i run?

and i get really bad headaches from running any ideas why?




  1. the correct way to breathing while running? that a mystiry to every runner out there lol. mustly control ur breathing and a good pace but inhaling and exhaling like crazy lol but that makes u even slower and you are not getting as much O2 in as possible. bad headaches are cause ether by not enough water! (DRINK DRINK DRINK) or not enough sleep lol but are very impotant for running. the pain on ur side? well if it will a cramp the most useful way is to exhale on the opssite side of ur cramp with that foot meaning if u have cramp on left side u exhale on right and so on.


  2. go jogging/running more often, and u'll get better.

    The pain is a stitch and may be because you ate or drank too much before you exercised.

    Breath howerver is natural.

  3. well when you first start running,that is how you will feel,the more you run the easier it will get. I used to run in highschool and stopped for 4 yrs,recently started back 2 months ago so i know the pain. when i run,i breathe in through my mouth and out thru my nose,the headaches are probably from not being hydrated enough. make sure you drink alot of water before you run. hope this helps!

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