
What are some ways to improve your weapons skills in martial arts? Besides practice.?

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martial arts




  1. Find some guys willing and stupid enough to fight to the death .

    Have a go at each other with your weapons of choice .In time you will become very very good if you survive .Reality is the best teacher .

    Other than that you can .......uh.........PRACTICE.

  2. Watch the videos on Youtube for free.

    Oh, sorry that's a different question.

    Practice intelligently and with someone who can help you.  Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent.  Perfect practice makes perfect.

  3. Sorry my sorcerer is away on vacation you will have to practice.

    Train with a good instructor and practice, practice, practice. When you are thoroughly tired of this start again.

  4. Wow, is this a trick question?? can't improve any skills ; martial arts, weapons, or anything else that I can think of without practice. Repetition is the key. And you have to practice the very most basic things...and then practice them some more. You do need to make sure you learn them correctly, and you do have to keep adjusting (or at least I do :) I constantly go back and correct and relearn and then guessed it, practice.

    You'll never ,ever stop practicing even after years. Even my teachers who are 1st,2nd,3rd,5th,and 8th degree blacks practice. In fact, they honestly probably practice the most.

    I think maybe that's part of the reason so many people don't stick it out to black. And really, that's  the relatively easy part (repetition).

    So, make peace with practice and just enjoy's actually kind of fun. You can always mix it up a little.

  5. I am going to tell you the ultimate secret...practice. We are tired of people who think they are going to get something for nothing on here. there is not, nevr has been, or never will be a magic bullet to take the place of practice, get that through your head.

  6. Uh............. dream about practicing?

  7. Uh..... Besides practice? There are none.

  8. You can try practicing some of your techniques and combinations with your eyes closed or while blindfolded.  It is helpful for you to do this with a partner who is standing well out of the way so he can tell you afterwords what they were performed like.   It will make it seem easier doing the same things with your eyes open and also give you a better feel for the weapon and help raise your skill with it to a higher level with some time and practice.  You can also practice with a heavier weapon and this will also increase your strength and dexterity with it.  I purposely practice staff with a steel pipe sometimes for this reason.    These are two of those old training techniques that traditional martial artists would use to increase their skill and ability with a weapon.

  9. By practicing empty hand techniques...oh wait, that's even more practice, a decent way is to read a bit about the weapon, seeing as their is no application for weapons in the modern day, researching the applications in the old day can help you understand the technique and detail of the form, remember that forms are invisible fights, with the research, you can envision the fight better.

  10. stretch, increase your athletics skill, your weapons will follow

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