
What are some ways to keep deer out of a garden?

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Fences but how high? 6ft? Are there other ways besides a fence?




  1. There are many ways to keep deer out of your garden. The fence is one way, but where I live, you can't really fence in your garden due to the fact that when I go to weed it I need to get in and get out quickly. Go to a hair salon and ask about getting the hair they cut, sprinkle it around your garden. Not only will the human scent keep the deer out, it's also an organic fertilizer when it decomposes. There is also the pie tin method. My mother lives WAY back in the boonies, and her garden is part of her livelihood. She ties those cheap pie tins (you can get these at any discount store for a little of nothing) to her fence at regular intervals. When the wind blows it creates noise that drives them away. Hope this helped.

  2. A rilfe.

  3. buy a heat seeking tourette machine gun.

  4. lion dun, it sold for this reason!

  5. I worked with a well respected landscaper out on the San Juan Islands (in Washington State) that had a solution that seemed to work every time.  He'd gotten this mixture from the hardware store on the island that was mostly cow's blood.  I think one of the other ingredients was cayenne pepper.

    Once he had this sprayed down around the edge of the landscaping and even on the plants themselves the deer stayed well clear of the area.  He did have to respray about three-to-five times after to drive the point home with the deer  to keep away, but it worked exceptionally well!

    There is also a product called Deer Off (Rutgers University helped develop this) that works well, but takes regular applications to remain active.  This is safe for pets and humans to be around.  It is also environmentally friendly.

    Good luck.

  6. Here's a site with a college slide show about fencing:

    You typically need to be about 8' high. If you want to save some money you could use 2' of chicken wire ($50 for 150ft with 1" holes) then get a package of plastic deer netting from Home Depot or Lowes to use above that. The netting comes in 7' X 100' rolls so if you use it above the chicken wire (with a 6" overlap) you'll have an 8.5ft fence. You can use 10' T-Posts ($7/ea) to wrap the fence around. Buy the chicken wire at a feed store like Big R or Tractor Supply Company in 105' rolls to save money.

    You may want to get 3-4' chicken wire so you can bend 1-2ft of it onto the ground (on the outside part of the fence). This will stop digging critters from getting into your garden because they will hit the fence as they try to dig.

    You could do a 150' circumference garden for $170-200.

    Good Luck!!

  7. Have a scarecrow on your garden? just kidding...

    Fences may be the best. Make sure they are strong and these wont harm anybody.

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