
What are some ways to keep my teeth strong?

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Here's the story. I tell my dad my teeth feel loose and he always tells me they aren't. I tell my parents I need to go to the dentist and they won't take me. I think I have a gum disease. I would like to know some ways to keep my teeth strong (enamel)




  1. Floss, brush, and get plenty of calcium. If you think you have gum disease, look for Rembrandt toothpaste. Also, don't use whitening strips or other products. The take away from the dirty enamel to make it look whiter.

  2. Fluoride helps strengthen teeth. Of course, you also need to brush and floss.

  3. Fluoride primarily for teeth.

    However flouride and calcium are the two minerals primarily believed to strengthen bones.

    And apparently flouride helps with strengthening teeth when exposed to it instead of having to digest and proccess it first like calcium. Though I'm sure ingesting it helps too, but then all your bones get some, not just your teeth. And you do ingest some flouride in food and some city water supplies.

    Disclaimer: I don't reccomend eating toothpaste or other dental stuff just because of the flouride because thier is usually too much flouride to be eaten in those things, and you could end up hurting or poisoning yourself. That's why we spit out our toothpaste instead of swallowing it. Of course if you swallow a single toothbrush worth of toothpaste you shouldn't even get sick, just incase you accidentally swallowed some.

    Just thought I'd put that disclaimer there incase your got any ideas.

    One other thing, if you keep feeling sensitivity in your gums, or if they get brigher red and/or puffy anywhere, you should tell your dad he needs to bring you to the dentist because you may have some sort of gum infection or disease.

    If you brush and floss regularly, as in daily, then you shouldn't be having problems with gum disease because that gets rid of a lot of pathogens and helps to strengthen your gums by making them less sensitive and stronger to the abrasiveness of brushing and flossing.

  4. Sensodyne Pronamel toothpaste. Also, floss every night.

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