
What are some ways to keep yourself distracted from negative things?

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What are some ways to keep yourself distracted from negative things?




  1. Think of some positive things in your life.  Maybe family, friends, boyfriends, husbands, vacations.  Reflect on some wonderful memories you have had in your life so far.

  2. Re-read books that have brought you pleasure in the past.  Concentrate on small things which you can be grateful for....eyes to see, ears to hear, joints that don't ache too much, a lovely flower opening, cloud formations, kindnesses shown between people.  Try to actively make a difference to someone's life - even if it's only smiling at someone when you're out shopping.  Try to think of creative things to do/make.  Take initiative and try not to be passive, so that you feel something worthwhile has been done, even if it's only cleaning the windows!  Make sure you are eating healthily and sleeping adequately ...makes a difference to how positive or negative one feels...  Set yourself small, manageable targets to achieve and accomplish...the reward will be in the sense of achievement afterwards.   Share with a friend and don't keep everything to yourself...both good and difficult things.

    Could go on...but you get the picture!  Remember everyone feels down sometimes and it is an effort to try to reverse the moods...but hang on's worth it.

  3. dont just keep your mind on happy thoughts.listen to music,watch family pictures or just watch cartoons or go out with a friend

  4. Keep your mind on happy thoughts. Think of a vaction coming up or something your looking forward to.

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