
What are some ways to make your life "greener?"?

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Also what do you do to help prevent global warming?




  1. Buy the energy saving lightbulbs they save the environment and it also saves you money

  2. Go wind power

  3. Eat more cows.  They pass gas that depletes the ozone layer.  This is a fact, not being a smartasss.  And buy a real Christmas tree.  They decompose and feed the soil which in turn feeds the foilage.

  4. Eat less meat and dairy, become vegetarian, become vegan.

    It may not be the answer but it would definitely help reduce carbon emissions. Many people do not like to think about the issue of eating meat. It is uncomfortable, but eating meat is very environmentally destructive, watch the youtube link below which takes it's facts from reliable sources.

    Bear with it, the stats are very interesting.

    Next people argue that it is only the method of production that is not environmentally friendly and responsible for the Carbon Emmissions. True, intensive beef and dairy farming is a major problem. However, environmentally friendly meat production is only really possible in totally integrated free range systems only then on backyard/homestead/small holding basis, after that the same environmental problems occur, although, perhaps, on a smaller scale. We can not produce the quantities of meat/dairy products that is demanded in an environmentally friendly way. The only answer is to eliminate or drastically cut down on consumption.

    'Not eating meat is a far more effective way of dealing with environmental concerns than others including emissions.

    If you take all factors into account (methane emissions, land use change, etc.) livestock account for about 18% of anthropogenic (human caused) greenhouse gas emissions. 18% is still a large number, almost twice as much as cars are responsible for worldwide' Quoted from Dana1981

    For a fuller discussion see two following links:;...;...

    If everybody just cut down on meat consumption there would be a tremendous positive effect, you do not have to be Vegan/Vegetarian to reduce the demand for meat, just be selective on the types of meats and eat much less of it.

  5. Get a better paying job. That's 'greener'.

  6. I buy earth friendly cleaners from the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification and totally offset its C02 emissions, resulting in a net zero impact on the environment. And I don't drive to the store to buy them. They are shipped to my house by UPS - who has put in processes to cut the amount of resources they use to make deliveries.

    The company is environmentally friendly & the products are environmentally friendly. It's a win-win!

  7. Walk more , drive less , car pool , eat less meat , more salads , and spinach.

    Your teeth will last longer.

    Your body and mind will be healthier and you will live longer.

    You will save money for trips that are a bit far.

    Save gas & oil , will make the difference. Everyone can make the difference.

    Less poulution to your and everyone elses lungs.

    Reduce the rate of global warming.

    And you will be able to save up enough money to go to the dentist more often , buy something you need or just want , buy a bike , or may even make enough of a differences in your budget to join a Gym Club , AND OR invest better in your savings.

    It's a lot more words than action , it's so easy when you look at the real requirments.

    The action requires less effort and less diciplen than doing sit ups or crunches.

    So it's not only so good of an idea , but it's EASY!!


  8. buy organic local produce and use the reusable grocery bags, conserve resources...rather than using the heater wear a sweater or put on an extra blanket (saves money). use hairspray that has a pump bottle rather than aerosol spray.

  9. Go back to living like a a caveman!

  10. go with wubiser's idea of cows. its true you know

  11. Some other things I occationally do that I usually don't see mentioned in these kinds of questions:

    Charge your cell phone in your car instead of the electrical outlet in your house.  In doing so, you're using the battery to you car, which doesn't cause any pollution, but in your house, you are probably getting your electricity from a coal fired power plant somewhere, and those are very dirty!

    Only do full loads of laundry.  Only use cold water in the wasing machine.  If possible, line dry your towels and clothes.  

    Unplug any TVs, DVD players, radios, computers, etc. that aren't being used.  Most of these devices draw a little bit of electricity even when they're turned off.

    Sign up to buy renewable energy credits from your local electric utility.  Even if it's a small amount each month, these big companies need to get the idea that the American consumer is willing to pay a higher price for electricity if it's clean energy.

  12. Planting a tree is one of the best things you can do in going "Green".

    "Plant a tree and save a Christmas tree".

  13. My mom researched this and she found some awesome things that save A LOT of money and energy.

    -Turning off powerstrips whenever you don't need them

    -If the bathroom smells, light a candle instead of spraying an aerosol thingy (Or get a non-areosol organic sprayer thingy)

    -Don't drink bottled water, get a brita pitcher and make your own. Go to, they have really pretty thermoses that are really durable and are made with a metal that doesn't affect the water in it.

    -Turning off lights when you're not in the room

    -Using fuel alternatives like bio diesel. These don't require a special kind of car, they're compatible with most cars.

    -Going outside more and being on the computer/watching t.v. less saves a lot of energy and money

    -Recycle as much as possible

    -Buy a bag that's made of hemp that you can use for shopping, "paper or plastic?" "HEMP!!!"

    I'd love to say more but I have a guest coming over, I hope we all help. This question is awesome, I'm gonna write some of these ideas.

    P.S. my guest says eat less beans to f**t less

  14. You can stop using your car unnecessarily (unlike some people I know- YOU'RE MELTING THE ICE CAPS!! D:<) and walk or ride a bike more often, use florescent (I think that's what they're called) lightbulbs, plant a tree (or just a plant-anything helps), and remember to turn things off. And think of the WORLD when you drive your car!!


    Maybe not the thinking-about-the-world thing.

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