
What are some ways to prevent Listeriosis?

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What are some ways to prevent Listeriosis?




  1. Don't eat meat

  2. Ready to eat foods provide a risk of transmission  of Listeriosis, some  more than others avoid soft cheeses feta,brie,Camembert blue veined and mexican cheeses.Hard cheese,processed cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, or yogurt are all fine to have.

    Cook left over foods till steaming hot again or any ready to eat dogs, deli meats chicken needs to be cooked well from the start this is to at least 165 degrees fish is another food that needs to be cooked well.Refrigerator should always be at 40 F or below freezer at O F  should place a thermometer in the frig to keep tract of tempters.

    Make sure all left overs are placed in the frig within a 2 hour time limit no longer if more pitch out.Clean the ref on a weekly basis. Clean any spills asap don't let sit,ANYWHERE!! clean walls shelves door freezer well with soap and hot water and rinse well after.

    Check all dates on foods if out of date toss it out. or use date by date same.This should be done once a week.

    Wash hands after the use of the bathroom,diaper changes, and before handling any foods. Never mix raw foods with cooked foods .(surfaces) Wash raw veggies and fruits before you eat. Drink only pasteurized milk, juice and ciders. Avoid foods with un pasteurized milk, always wash hands after contact with pets,their environments also any farm animals.

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