
What are some ways to raise money for a charity marathon? besides soliciting donations.?

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What are some ways to raise money for a charity marathon? besides soliciting donations.?




  1. running?

  2. i know you said you don't want to solicit donations, but you could go to fast food chains, restaurants, arcades etc, and ask them to donate vouchers for free food or tickets. Then you could either hold a dance contast where ppl have to pay to register and pay to watch or you could hold a raffle where each ticket is worth a couple dollars. Many fast food chains, resturants, or arades would be happy to do this because they are giving back and usually the ppl that get the donations promise to promote them at the event, so it is kinda a win win. Good luck with everything hope this helps.

  3. Bake sale, wristbands, Krispy Kreme donuts, candy sale, etc.

  4. Try They are a recycling company that will pay you for unused cell phones and other electronics. All you do is start a collection drive going and you collect enough you ship it to them(they pay for the shipping). a lot of people are willing to donate there old cellphone that they were probably going to throw in the trash. It's great i know a few organizations that have tried it and they said it was great. I hope this helps

  5. GOING TO THE CAR WASH!!! Or maybe bake sales?

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