
What are some ways to relax?

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how can i relax? i find that my neck and shoulders are beyond tense lately, and i cannot relax.




  1. I completely empathize. I am sometimes prone to stress. Here are my top ten ways of decompressing and relaxing:

    Hope they help!

  2. yoga works great for anxiety and tension.

  3. Relaxation Tips

    In these times, many people live with chronic stress. The first step is recognizing that this is a problem that can have long lasting effects on your health. The single most important thing you can do is try to reduce the stressors in your life. It is unreasonable to expect to remove all stress, but evaluate your life - are you expecting too much of yourself? Are there circumstances or people in your life that cause stress and need to be dealt with? Once you have reduced your stress to a minimum, try using some of these suggestions to learn to consciously relax.

    Breath slowly and deeply — slowing your breath begins the relaxation response.

    Start by extending your exhale out for longer than you usually would. Soon you’ll find that your inhales have naturally become slower and deeper.

    Regular excercise has been shown to reduce stress — so get moving.

    A walk with a friend or loved one can bring you back to your calm self.

    Try meditation — start by being aware of your breathing.

    One simple technique is to say to yourself “I’m breathing out” as you exhale and say to yourself “I’m breathing in” as you inhale. Start with three minutes and slowly add a minute until you’re able to sit in meditation for 15 minutes.

    Join a yoga class — enjoy the deep relaxation at the end of the class.

    Try autogenics — visit the Autogenics Exercises page for instructions.

    Schedule relaxing activities regularly, such as:

    Go for a relaxing dinner and a movie every Friday night.

    Go for a walk through the park after lunch three times a week.

    Schedule a massage or pedicure once a month.

    Do something that you enjoy, like a hobby or other fun activity, every Saturday.

    Do some volunteer work. You’ll find that you lose your stress as you help others.

    Read a book or magazine that you enjoy.

    Light a scented candle.

    Call and talk to a friend.

    Take a bubble bath or a long hot shower.

    Listen to music that you enjoy.

    Have dinner at your favorite restaurant.

    Invite a friend you haven’t seen in awhile over for a movie.

    Ride your bicycle through the forest preserve.

    Go on a picnic.

    Live for the moment.  

  4. Go to sleep for hours , watch TV , play PS3 , get a message done, go to beach and enjoy the sunbath , eat pringles, go for shopping . go to theatres and go to smusement parks !

  5. lavender tea

    jasmine tea

    if you're female a body spray with chamomile or lotion with chamomile

    I experience anxiety and I chose to go to my doctor and he prescribed a mild medication for me. I experience tension headaches which is located in the shoulders and back of the neck. That is when I use the tea jasmine or lavender, or even chamomile tea. A lotion with actual chamomile will relax the muscle naturally. Chamomile is a muscle relaxant. Research the chamomile if you choose to drink the tea. Sometimes it cannot be used when a person is taking certain medications.

    There are times when I need faster relief, so I apply a sports cream directly to my shoulders and neck. When it is winter time, I will use a heating pad, or the old fashioned sock with uncooked rice in it warmed in the microwave for 50 seconds. I used to have a pouch that contained fennel seed. This worked wonders for the tension. For me, it was much better than the rice. Sometimes on really bad days, I would drink a cup of chamomile tea at bed time and place the warmed fennel seed pouch under my neck and shoulders and when I woke in the morning there was not one trace of tension.

    Oh, and remember that exercise can reduce tension. If you are married, some people say that having s*x with your spouse can reduce tension. Stress may be part of the tension, or contributing to it a little or a lot. If you had some extra stressors recently, that may be it.

    I really hope that you start feeling better very soon. Tackle this starting now and your life will benefit in many good ways. You are probably an intelligent and caring person. Embrace who you are because I am sure that your loved ones hold you very dear in their hearts.

  6. Take an hour a day for yourself. Since we give ourselves to our work, bills, friends, and family, do you give yourself time? Turn off your cell phone do something for yourself for about an hour, a bath, a nap, excercising, whatever. This is your time. Just don't think about anything but yourself and your happy moment. Also dedicate one day to yourself. If God rested on the seventh day, why can't you?

    For me for example, I take an hour nap a day. And if sometimes I have family obligations on weekends, Mondays after work I dedicate to me. I know it's not a day, but I cherish the hours I have for myself.

    If a cell phone needs recharghing, so should you.

  7. Do you have a bathtub?? most ppl like hot bathes with sea salt. You can buy sea salt in the bath section of your store. maybe gets some candles going. Some ppl get a radio with nice calming music going. I like to get on my tread mil before bed. it helps me sleep.  

  8. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    There are free tips and free items on relaxation and such for you to download!

    All the best,


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