
What are some ways to ruin your life?

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i was just wondering...


ONE thing that will s***w up your life...





  1. have a baby  

  2. having a baby young

    Dropping out of high school

    doing drugs

    committing a crime

    Im not saying they will ruin your life but they certainly could.

  3. Being raped or sexually abused


  4. why would you want to know that?

    if your planning on wrecking someone elses life then i think that you are just being out of order and need to sort your life  out a little bit instead.

  5. One thing that would s***w up your life for ever would be... to kill yourself! Or you know kill somebody else and get caught!

  6. Taking advice from people you don't know on a website full of children giving suggestions as if they know what they are talking about. At the very least they seem to think they can diagnose mental illness and tell us what to do to fix it right up!

    I'm over 70 and I have four graduate degrees and ten years of graduate education...yet every day I realize I don't know nearly as much as that 13 year old who just gave suggestions to someone after diagnosing their personality disorder.

    So don't ruin your life by taking advice from people who don't know.

    Remember the line from the song by Jonathan Edwards:

    "He can't even run his own life,

    be damned if he'll run mine!"

  7. Letting other people s***w up your life is one of them.

  8. Being a doormat and letting people mistake your kindness for "you can take advantage of me".

    Or, you could do meth, or be in a relationship with someone who does meth or keep being friends with someone who does meth and allow them to enter your home.

    edit:  it's kinda funny that someone else said meth at the same time.  it's so true.  I hope you've asked this question to try and avoid downfalls in life rather than to give them to someone else.  If you're thinking of ruining someone else's life, I believe that you're likely already ruined your own.

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