
What are some ways you get yourself to be more positive and give yourself energy?

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What are some ways you get yourself to be more positive and give yourself energy?




  1. Hang out with people you care about, keep yourself clean and looking good [it'll make you feel so much better], get enough sleep, and eat healthy.

    good luck!

  2. Eat healthy, have a positive outlook on life.

    Be around people who are looking for the good things, not the negative things in life


  3. If your young.......this will come later after you have kids...If you suffer from depression..they will give you purpose. Also following through on things you know that you have to get done will make you feel tons better.

    Pick up some Zig Ziglar CD's or tapes. I guarantee this will help.

    (If you do the things you have to do when you have to do them...there will come a time that you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them - Zig Ziglar)

  4. Eat healthy and eat right. Exercise. Be always happy and be optimistic. Learn to appreciate all the blessings that come your way. And don't forget to thank the Lord for everything...

    God bless.

  5. Positivity comes with practice.


    but making yourslef aware of the negative comments you make or feelings you have will allow you to change those into whatever you desire...

    as a project for a subject once (50page) i did an extensive survey/content analysis, so this really should work!

    grab a wrist band, stick it on your hand, and everytime you find urself complaining, move the band to the opposite hand.. your goal is to stay positive for 20 days without a complaint... sounds hard, but take it in stages, day by day.. or even hour by hour... once u realise how much u do think negatively, and keep changing those thoughts with positive ones... you will become happier... because your mind will automatically resort to the postive thinking cos its what had worked for it last time!

    your energy will become greater whilst you become positive.

  6. Anytime something negative happens i find the positive in it, there is always someone out there who has it worse than i do.

    I try to eat right and get plenty of exercise.  I always make time just for myself so i can relax after a stressful day.

    When i'm upset about something i make sure that i talk to someone about it before it gets worse.

    I look at life as a gift and live everyday as if it were my last.

  7. set little  tiny goals for yourself and make wat ever it is your trying to achieve fun and interesting

    change your diet if its not the healthiest

    good eating makes you feel so much better

    drink lots of water

    if you dont already do more exercise



    go out more with frends doing outdoor stuff

    if you dont get enough sleep go to bed earlier

    your not really missing out on anything cept staying up and watching tv right??

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