
What are some weak spots for fat people for fighting?

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hi i am gonna fight a big person me and him are 14 both of us but hes tongen




  1. the kidnesy - lower back either side of spine.

    ribs - straigh down his side where his ribs end its all wushy an when you hit them there it feels like a stich it really hurts.

  2. ur main base in this fight will be speed, try to dodge his strikes (slow gorillia swings) n counter with fast combos. if he out strikes u, let him take it down to the ground, then try to work a submission, fore u are both young n he will be vonerble to "tapout"! look up Gracie Ju-Jitsu it trains u to defend against larger opponets n a live strret fight. stay cawm n focused on ur game plan, endure the punishment n u will win 4sure, unleash ur elbows n knees at any time! DONT BE SCARED TO EXPLODE! UNLEASH KEEP FOCUS N DOMINATE!!!!!!!! learn bottom submission, like triagle choke n kamora & armbar arm locks, as he wil probabley hold top position. just stay cawm on ur back n work for subbmission. unless ur out striking him, just endure n swing fast till its over, ull know wen its over. i actually fee more confortable off my back n a fight, bigger or not.  bigger guy;s cardio is no good, he wont last long. so endure his punishment, n u will win.

  3. Don't listen to the others about hitting him in the stomach.... That wont do a thing.

    Fat people don't have a lot of energy. you can wait for him to throw a few punches and dance around him- then when he's tired- punch him real hard in the ribs. Slap his face as hard as you can- this will look like you're treating him like a girl and crush his spirits. But be warned-

    If you're a smart a s s  bully, it will come back on you. What goes around comes around.

  4. i agree with the other dude! Grab his nipps and squeeze! While he's stunned smack him as hard as you can in the belly andas many times as you can.  Go behind him aswell and hit the back of the leg (the bit where it bends). He will fall down if you hit him hard enough, if not, hit his other leg until he's on his knees then jump on top of him. If you can, turn him over and keep kicking his belly. Then either put one foot on his belly and do the victory pose or sit on him...unless he recovers and sits on you first! That is the main thing. Make sure he DOESN'T get you on the floor...if he does, I can guarantee you wan't be able to walk for a while! If he sits on you...even hurts!

  5. I have some bad news for you.  You better hope he is a weak, slow, non-athletic fat kid.  If he's strong plus fat, like I am and some guys who play Judo or Football, you're in trouble.  Weight is an advantage in fighting.  That is why they have weight classes in combat sports that have high levels of contact.   That is done to protect smaller people.  Speed is not really going to help you that much either because I doubt that you are skilled enough to make the speed work to your advantage.

    You'd better hope that he has no endurance.  That is the only way you'd have a change at winning.  You could wear him down.  But, some fat fighters can keep going and/or hit so hard that the fight will be done very quickly anyway.

    Look at some of the people who are hired to be bouncers and work securitiy.  A lot of those guys are "fat".  They are also very strong guys who have muscle under their fat.  Some of them even have strong stomach muscles and will not even feel it if you hit them in the stomach.  

    Look at this guy.  Would you want to go toe-to-toe with him?

    Since this is some sort of schoolyard fight which is 100% avoidable, you should avoid it.  Your fat opponent has the upper hand.

  6. well i had a fight wid one lemme tell u the weak points

    1: his BIG b*****s grab em real hard and squeez em REALLYYYYYYY hard n heel giv up or start to cry

    2: abdomen or stomach punch him real hard

    3: neck

    hope i helped

    HAppy fighting

  7. Why are u people giving this kid advice lol. For all you know this kid can be a bully who like makes fun of this fat kid every day at school , and like goes out rapping little children. You dont know who he is , and you dont know who the other guy is , why would you tell them to fight , and how to fight?  As for you dude if this is just a school yard brawl , Just avoid it , he may be a bigger man than you on the scale , but you be can ultimately be the bigger man by avoiding  this fight.

  8. the stomach probably they get tired very easily and worn out normally because there not as healhy as you.

  9. Probably get worn out quick and weak legs as their heavy weight will make it harder for them to keep their balance. But if you get close to them, you're s***w as they have good strength so they can knock you out just like that. Or they're probably just eat you.

  10. Great philosopher once said. "Every man has a plan till he gets punched in the mouth"

  11. Keep moving, the whole fight, land punches to his guts when he leaves it open, if its not open then his face is so go for it.

    Dont let him grab you, if he ends up on top of you on the ground, you wont be able to move him off you and will most likely cop a flogging, do whatever you can to avoid this situation, keep it standing up, and if you're constantly moving and landing big ones to his guts, he'll barely be able to hold his hands up after about a minute.

  12. Go for the stomach or you can hit him at his pressure Points,

    Getting a Hit on a Pressure Points will hurts a lot what ever you are fat or thin.

  13. solarplex is a great place to start, also the liver is another great place

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